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Bathroom Trim

Well, here it is! Trim! I can't get over how much it has changed the presence of the window. And it is so pretty and white now! I know they say all white bathrooms are not in favor right now, but I love all the clean whiteness.

 I don't think I ever shared our latest window covering. I decided it was time to get something lighter then the picture frame we had propped in the window. After much thought and discussion, I finally decided a simple piece of fabric in the window was what we needed. After combing the fabric store for something to co-ordinate we finally settled on this black and white print (which is actually flannel, but who can tell?!). I ironed heavy weight interfacing (for extra stiffness and privacy) onto the back, hemmed up the edges and stuck Velcro in the corners to hold it in place. It has worked perfectly!

 Oh how I love the new window sill!! After looking at exposed framing for close to four years it is so nice to have clean painted wood.
I really was just hoping to get window sills here and in the kitchen this summer and possibly work on the rest of the trim this fall. But one thing led to another and before we knew it, it was an all out carpenter's shop for a week. Of course, replacing (and replicating) 1920's trim is not as simple as going to the home improvement store. We had to do it like it was originally done, custom made. Fortunately, my brother specializes in custom milled trim. He milled the baseboards out of 1 x 8 boards, the window sills were cut out of 5/4 x 4, the window trim was just standard 1 x 4 with a custom milled back bend (corner piece) out of 5/4 x 3. That is a lot of wood around the window!

It took Mandy and I a full Sunday plus mornings and evenings for three days to get is all installed. (Mitered corners are tricky!) It might not be the most professional job, but it is done! And we are rather proud we did it.

The baseboard doesn't have as much of an impact on the room as the window trim. Or maybe I should say the window trim out shines the baseboard? But it is lovely to have it finished off. Though I hadn't thought about the trim being 3/4" thick and sticking out more then we are use to around the tub (to the left in the above picture). I have already cracked my toes three times on it! This picture shows very well how snug everything fits in the bath. Cozy isn't it? 

Another picture showing just how cozy the bath is. The raw wood just behind the tub wall is the linen closet. I have thought long and hard over how to finish it off and finally come to the conclusion it is working just fine the way it is now and adding a curtain or door would just complicate things. And since you can't see the linen closet from the doorway, it doesn't glare out at us. I will just need to get a trim board and get it in and that should be done.

We also got the back bend on around the outside of the doorway and the baseboard on either side. I am so excited to have finally got this project done! There are a few more windows to restore and then, I think all the original projects will be done! Amazing!

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