Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive


The majority of people are sensible when leaving household refuse outside their properties.   However, there have been a number of instances recently where household refuse has been left outside properties contained only in supermarket plastic bags.  These bags have then been split open by animals and garbage is left to rot on the pavement, tumble onto the road through the hole or split in the bag, clog up the storm drains, or blow  around the village.  This practice only encourages vermin and flies as the hotter weather approaches.

If you do not have a bin house, could you please leave your household rubbish in a bag in a plastic or metal bin outside your property on refuse collection days.    

In addition, refuse for collection must be left outside your property - not on the opposite side of the road, in a storm drain, or dumped on a green area or vacant plot.   Any refuse left anywhere apart from directly outside your property will not be collected.

If people continue to disregard these guidelines, then it will be necessary for the Council to fine offenders.   Thank you.


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