Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive


The Police have asked that everyone be reminded that the Easter holidays is a prime time for activity by burglars across the island.   Properties are particularly vulnerable when the main church services take place but this is also a time when many people go away for a few days, so more properties than usual are left empty.

If you are leaving your property, please ensure that all the security measures are put in place before you leave, even if you are only popping to the kiosk for a bottle of milk!   Watch out please for any strange vehicles in your area, or for motorists or pedestrians behaving oddly.   If in doubt or you have any concerns, please phone the Police.

There has also recently been a problem with street lighting in a small area of Kamares.  It is not known how long the street lighting had not been working, but the fault has now been found and light has been restored.   Could you please check that the street light outside your own property is working. If it is not, the quickest way to ensure the bulb is replaced is to phone the Electricity Board on 1800 and quote the number from the metal plate on the pole.   Please allow up to 21 working days for the bulb to be replaced - but in practice the bulb is usually replaced well within this timescale.  The Electricity Board will take a note of your phone number and then if they cannot find the fault they will ring you to check.  



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