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5 Simple Switches For a Healthier You: Fitness

ByM. Dwyer

Losing weight is all about the changes you make to your lifestyle. But sometimes it can be difficult for us to make drastic changes to our lives stick! As you start to slide off of your new year's resolutions, here are a few simple switches to get you back in the saddle and to thinking about your health.

Park Further Away
It doesn't make sense: even when we're trying to go to the gym, we still fight to get a closer parking spot. Instead of fighting with everyone for a close parking spot, take the road less traveled and park further away. By parking further away, you can even reduce your stress; after all, there's no need to be anxious about finding a spot when you have your pick! You also will add steps to your daily routine, and every step counts when it comes to improving your fitness.

Play Active Video Games
Nothing quite beats the rush of beating your friend at a video game. However, there's not much more disappointing than growing fat from being a couch potato either. With motion-based systems and controllers growing in popularity, motion games are also becoming quite popular. Even people who aren't hardcore video game nerds can enjoy some of the motion based sports and dance games! So throw yourself a party or a tournament competition, and invite your friends over to throw down, Wii or Kinect style! Trust me, you won't miss being planted on the couch.

Start Planking
Research has come out lately that tells us that crunches aren't the best for your back, nor are they that effective for sculpting your abs. Instead of wasting your time on crunches, consider doing a plank instead. Planks work your entire core, and they don't take nearly as much time as crunches. Try to hold your plank for a minute! Relish that burn! You can even do planks while watching TV: try to stay planked for two commercials straight.

Make Your Workout Fun!
For so many of us, going to the gym is a chore, and we don't succeed at following our exercise program because we never truly enjoy it. Life is too short for you to hate feeling fit! Think about things that make you sweat that you enjoy. Are you a nature buff? Try taking your workout outside. Do you love dancing to music on your own? Try taking some classes to learn some basic moves! If you can't think of anything, read up on your gym's available classes and see if anything interests you. You may just find your new hobby helps keep you fit!

Exercise to Beat Fatigue
Instead of taking a nap, it can be just as beneficial to wake up your mind with some exercise. Stand up and do a few jumping jacks or run in place if you're falling asleep at work. Excuse yourself from that boring meeting ("use the restroom") and do some wall push-ups for a minute. There's always a way to find yourself a private moment if you need to wake yourself up, so take the initiative and wake yourself up by raising your heartbeat!

Remember, regular exercise and a healthy diet are essential to losing weight. These little switches can help with your goal, but they are not going to do the trick by themselves. If, after implementing a healthy diet and regular exercise routine, you are still having trouble losing weight, there is hope. All-natural weight loss supplements are available to encourage your body to work with your healthy lifestyle to shed the pounds. One of these all natural weight loss supplements could be the key you need to finally achieve your weight loss goals!

M. Dwyer is the founder of Healthe Trim, a natural weight loss supplement clinically shown to promote weight loss. Healthe Trim combines natural ingredients such as Hoodia gordonii and green tea leaf extract in order to reduce food cravings and boost energy naturally.

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  • 5 Simple Switches For a Healthier You: Fitness ByM. DwyerLosing weight is all about the changes you make to your lifestyle. But sometimes it can be difficult for us to make drastic changes to our lives stick! As you start to slide off of your new year's resolutions, here… Read More


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