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How Do You Train for Baseball-Softball on a 3G Cardio Vibration Machine?

This workout will help you increase upper body and leg strength, improving your power as a hitter, strength for throwing and overall speed and agility.

It's recommended you also perform additional strength training exercises on free weights or functional trainer and make sure to run, throw and stretch as well.

Once you have the basic knowledge of the vibration machine workout do's and don't, here's a plan to get you to the next level in baseball and softball.

Do all of these exercises three times a week:


1. Regular squat - Stand on the Vibration plate with feet shoulder width apart. Keeping the back straight and knees slightly bent gently squeeze the leg muscles. You should feel tension in your quadriceps, buttocks and back.

Tip: Keep good posture with back straight. If you lean slightly forward quadriceps will be emphasized more, if you lean back hamstrings will be used more. Keep body weight on heels.

2. Lunge - Place one foot in the middle of the Vibration plate and step back with the other planting it firmly on the ground behind. Keeping the back straight and the knees directly above the toes, squeeze the leg muscles. You should feel tension in the hamstrings, quadriceps and buttocks.

Tip: Put your hands on your hips to help with balance if needed. Adjust heel tension as needed.

3. Calves - Standing in the center of the Vibration plate, rise up on to the balls of the feet. Keeping your back straight and abdomen tight, you should begin to feel tension in your calf muscles. To add variation to the exercise, try bending your knees to 90 degrees.

Tip: Squeeze your calf muscles to make it more difficult.


1. Push Up - Kneel in front of the Vibration plate, placing hands on the plate shoulder width apart with fingers facing inward. With a straight back and strong abdomen, push off the Vibration plate platform. This exercise will strengthen chest, shoulder muscles and triceps.

Tip: For variation, try straightening your legs and lifting your knees. Vary width of hand placement by going wide (more back and chest used) or narrow (more triceps used).

2. Triceps Dip - Facing away from the Vibration plate, firmly grip the edge and push upwards. Now bend the arms slightly and lower the hips toward the plate, squeezing the shoulder blades together. You should feel the tension mainly in your upper arms. For variation, repeat the exercise with your legs straight.

Tip: Vary hand position in and out to train the triceps in different ways.

3. Biceps Curl - Position your toes slightly under the edge of the unit for support and hold the straps tightly at waist height. Knees should be slightly bent, back and wrists kept straight. Pull your arms upward. You should feel tension in the shoulders and biceps.

Tip: Adjust the length of the straps to train the biceps in different ways. Focus on using just biceps to isolate them more.

4. Bent Over Row - Stand in front of the Vibration plate. Pull the belts upward on the side of your body. Push your chest out and shoulder-blades together. Pull your arms backwards in a smooth motion and you should feel tension in your upper back and shoulder area. Vary hand position in and out to train the triceps in different ways.

Tip: Adjust the length of the straps and angle your pulling to train the back in different ways.

5. Front Raise - Stand in front of the Vibration plate, legs shoulder width apart and raise both arms horizontally in front of your torso.

Keeping your back straight and abdomen strong, pull the straps upward. For variation, perform the same exercise from a standing position on the Vibration plate.

Tip: This is a great way to strengthen the rotator cuffs, but don't go past parallel. Keep back straight and eyes straight ahead.


1. Abdominal Crunch

Place a pillow under the small of your back, raise your legs and place your hands under your head for support making sure to keep your elbows parallel with the floor. Crunch your upper body toward your legs and feel the tension in the abdominals. Ensure your buttocks and lower back do not lose contact with the mat. Tip: To vary the routine, place your feet on the step.

These tips should give you a good base workout to start with.Add or delete exercises as you go, but always remember to use good form on the vibration machine, just as you do on the baseball or softball field.

Aaron Dorksen, sports editor of The Daily Record in Wooster, Ohio, has won numerous Associated Press state and national awards. He was voted Ohio AP sports writer of the year in 2006. Dorksen was a scholastic multi-sport athlete and is still a competitive slowpitch softball player, while also remaining an avid weightlifter, cyclist and runner.

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