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4 Key Workout Tips for the Beginner

ByJohn Trier

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? You put on your favorite pair of jeans and notice that they are suddenly a little tighter. You realize that muffin tops only look good in packaged boxes at Costco. Your running shoes are collecting dust in a corner of your house somewhere. Heck, you don't even know where they are. The prospect of working out can seem intimidating but by taking small steps, you can achieve a lifestyle of physical fitness.

The first step is to set reasonable goals. Ask yourself: how much time can you realistically devote to exercise each week? Are you looking to bulk up significantly? Perhaps you hope to grace the cover of GQ someday. Maybe you just want to slightly tone your body. Are you training for a sporting event? Whatever you are trying to achieve, start by setting goals that are realistic to you.

Congratulations, you are now standing at the gym (an accomplishment in itself) and staring out into a sea of treadmills and weight machines but where do you start? A balanced fitness routine includes cardio and weight training exercises. If you are incorporating both types of workouts in the same day, start with weight training first as cardio will leave you too fatigued. It is also a common mistake to do weights every day if it is working the same body parts. Muscle fibers need time to rebuild after each work out. Instead, consider alternating between upper and lower body weight training so each set of muscles will have time to heal. Maintaining proper form and technique is extremely crucial. Lifting or pulling with bad form can result in inefficient workouts or worse, injuries. Before you start, thoroughly research proper lifting techniques or consult a fitness employee to save yourself future trips to the physical therapist.

Make exercise into a routine. If you'd rather get a root canal than hit the gym, chances are, it's still something that's new and not a part of your weekly routine. It takes time to develop a habit so consider starting with working out just two or three times a week. Try to sustain a workout of similar intensity for about 20 minutes each time and build up from there. If you want a set of abs that can grate cheese, more power to you, but that cannot be achieved from working out for a week. Consistency is the key.

Spice things up. Who says you have to go to the gym everyday? Find those running shoes that are collecting dust in a corner somewhere, a running buddy, and explore new terrain together. Play some basketball pick up games at the park. Install a pull up bar outside your bedroom door and work out in the comfort of your home. Regular exercise is a beneficial, long-term investment in your health so find ways to make it enjoyable. offers the best quality pull up bar on the market. Get serious about your pull ups, chin ups, or kipping pull ups with this sturdy, fixed-mount pull up bar.

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