Bayram Cigerli Blog

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What are you doing to get ready for sleeveless season?

Many people believe the best way to get ready for sleeveless is to do bicep curls, triceps exercises, shoulder exercises.  These are all very effective exercises to get your arms buff, but do not discount compound movements that work more than muscle group.  By working larger groups, you are getting more load on each muscle and core benefits as well!

Think planks - stabilizing your body while holding plank in push up position will sculpt shoulders and work the core as well.

Pushups - push ups work the shoulder, biceps, triceps, chest and back while also working the core.  Remember to brace your abs and squeeze your butt!  Make it harder by lifting one leg off the ground!

Tricep Dips - these work the triceps but also the shoulders and supporting muscles - getting more load and quick results.

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