Fitness Tip: Keep it Straight - The Stairmaster, treadmill and stationary bikes are excellent pieces of cardio equipment but there is a right way and a wrong way! Slouching over the display panel or supporting your body weight on the rails limits the muscle usage and increases risk of injury. Standing upright and using the rails for balance only uses your core body muscles for balance and support. Get more out of your cardio workout... stand up!
Exercise of the day: Ball Forward Bend - The Ball Forward Bend is a great stretch movement with your exercise ball that works your hamstrings and also your lower back region. Hold the ball in front of you with soft elbows. Hinge at the hip and touch the ball to the floor. Return to start. Repeat 10 to 12 times.
Keep it Straight!
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 01:49
cardio equipment, Health E-Newsletter, proper form, stability ball
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