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Şarkılarla Korece - Jo Sung Mo (조성모) - 나 웃어보일게

괜찮아 정말 괜찮아

İyiyim gerçekten iyiyim

니가 날 떠나도 난 괜찮아

Sen beni terketsen de ben iyiyim

첨부터 내게 어울리기엔

Başından beri bana fazla gelen (benden daha mükemmel)

너무나 멀리 있던 사람..

Çok uzak olan kişi(insan)

고마웠어 꿈 같았어

Teşekkür ederim, rüya gibiydi

니가 선물해준 그 사랑

Hediye ettiğin o aşk

내겐 과분했던 갖을 수 없었던

Benim haketmediğim, sahip olamayacağım

그런 사랑 내게 줬으니까..

Öyle bir aşkı bana verdiğin

[28.06.13] SportsSeoul BANGTAN Röportajı 1. Bölüm

BTS, ‘Bang Sihyuk’un şirketin sanatçısı olduğu için dikkatleri üzerine çeken 7 üyeli bir erkek Hip Hop idol grubu. Üyelerin adları: Rap Monster, SUGA, Jin, J-Hope, Jimin, V ve Jungkook. Ve bu grup çıkış yapmadan önce oluşturuldu.

BTS üyeleri, yapımcı Bang Sihyuk’un projesinin bir parçası olarak oluşturulduktan sonra 1 ile 3 sene arası eğitim gördüler. 

‘Çaylak olmayan çaylaklar’ lakabına “Bu artık bir anı.” diyerek gülüyorlar. Olgun grup BTS, 25 Haziran sabahı <SportsSeulDotCom> ile çıkışlarından önce yaşadıkları zor zamanları paylaştı.

-‘Bang Sihyuk’un Idolleri’ olarak adlandırılmak, size baskı yapmıyor mu?

Rap Monster: Dürüst olmak gerekirse, bu bize çok baskı yaptı. Eğitim zamanlarımızda çok hazırlık yaptık; ama onu (Bang Sihyuk) hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacak idoller olmayı düşünmek omuzlarımızda büyük bir yük hissetmemize sebep oldu. Özellikle, o çok saygıyı hak eden olağanüstü biri olduğu için.

V: Onun, ‘kötü insan’ imajı var; ama o bize hep duyarlı/şefkatli davranır. Onun almak istediğim bir sürü özelliği var. Bana adımı bile o verdi.

SUGA:Genellikle insanlar, bizi o yetiştirdiği için adımızı onun ‘Bulletproof Boy Scouts (Kurşungeçirmez izciler)’ koyduğunu düşünüyorlar; ama bu bir aldanma. (Adımızın) gizli ve derin bir anlamı var, hayatın kurşunlarını geri döndürmek ve onlara direnmek (gülüyor). Kulağa çok mu kendini beğenmiş geliyor?

-Lütfen bize eğitim günlerinizden bahsedin.

Rap Monster: Eğitim alırken, pes etmek istediğim çok zaman oldu. Çok büyük zorluklarla çıkış yapan idoller bunu anlayabilir, gerçekten çok zordu. J-Hope ile eğitim görürken, eklenen yeni üyeler olmadığı için, ihmal edildiğimizi düşündüm (gülüyor). Yurtta, ailemden uzak monoton rutinden dolayı ağlamak istediğim zamanlar oldu. Ama şimdi bunları düşünmek… Atık onlar güzel anılar.

J-Hope:Ailem ve arkadaşlarım bana ne zaman çıkış yapacağımı soruyorlardı… Bunu her sorduklarında, korkularım büyüyordu. BTS, eğitim görüp çıkış yapamayacak diye gerçekten çok endişelendim. Ama bunun onayını alacağım hiçbir yer yoktu. Bu, çok sinir bozucuydu. Benimle beraber eğitim alan tüm arkadaşlarım çıkış yapıyor gibi hissediyordum.

SUGA:Yapımcımız Bang Sihyuk’a gücendim. O, saygı duyduğum biri; ama o zamanlar ondan hiç hoşlanmıyordum. Bir gün, eğitimin ortasında odayı terk ettim ve istifa edeceğimi söylemek için yapımcı Bang Sihyuk’a gittim. Çok cüretkar bir açıklama yaptığımı düşünmüştüm; ama öyle bir azarlandım ki, sonunda istemeden de olsa prova odasına gidip çalışmaya devam ettim (gülüyor). O zamanlar, tek yaptığım çalışmak olduğu için, çok kalın kafalıydım; ama şimdi geri dönüp düşünüyorum da… Yapımcımız Bang Sihyuk bize tam da ihtiyacımız olan zamanı vermiş. O süreçte, yapmak istediğimiz tüm müzikleri yapabildik. Tüm bunlar sayesinde BTS hayatta kaldı diyebilirim.

Eng. Trans: BTS-TRANS
Türkçe Çeviri: BTSTurkey

BTS Üyeleri Debut Showcase'inde Big Bang'e Saygı Duyduklarını Söyledi

3 yıldır çıkış yapmak için hazırlanan hip hop idol grup BTS, 12 Haziran'da Seul Ilchi Sanat Salonu'nda debut showcase'i ile nihayet çıkış yaptı.

Grup, showcase'de ilk defa çıkış şarkıları No More Dream ve albümlerinden We Are Bulletproof şarkılarını seslendirdi. Böylelikle çok beklenen çıkışlarını yapmış oldular.

Idol grup; hali hazırda birçok çaylak (rookie) grubun olduğu bu yarışa adım attı. Peki, bu yarışta onları diğerlerinden farklı kılan ne? Lider Rap Monster, konuyla ilgili yaptığı açıklamada, albümdeki tüm şarkıların yapımında ve We Are Bulletproof koreografisinin bazı kısımlarında, grup üyelerin yer aldığını söyledi. 

BTS hangi idol grupları kendisine rakip görüyor sorusuna, lider Rap Monster, "Yenmek istediğimiz bir idol yok; çünkü daha (kpop sektörüne) ilk adımımızı atıyoruz. Ama insanların hip hop idol grup dendiğinde BTS'yi düşünmelerini istiyoruz." dedi.

Rap Monster ayrıca, "Big Bang'e gerçekten çok saygı duyuyoruz" dedi ve üyelerin popüler idol grupların promosyonlarını takip ettiklerini ve onlardan öğrendiklerini ekledi.

Jimin, özellikle Big Bang üyesi Taeyang'ı, Jung Kook; G-Dragon'u ve Jin T.O.P'yı örnek aldığını söyledi.

BTS'nin ilk albümü 2 Cool 4 Skool aynı gün, 12 Haziran'da yayınlandı.

Kaynak/Source: enewsworld
Çeviri: BTSTurkey

How to BUST through a Plateau!

Busting a plateau, losing fat and weight is simple, but IT AINT EASY!   Accomplishing FAT LOSS - weight-loss goals takes effort, discipline, and consistency with EXERCISE  and NUTRITION.

It is simple, you need to exercise and eat right, BUT….It’s NOT EASY. It takes hard work and consistency to achieve the results you want. Depending on your goals, if they are lofty, it may take double the effort you are putting in with exercise, but especially NUTRITION.

Here are a few suggestions to get you dialed into your goals to seriously BURN FAT in the next month or two and bust through any plateaus.

If you are wanting more results or have hit a plateau, here you go:

Nutrient timing. You need to be eating every 3 hours.  Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Dinner.   If you want great choices, refer to the AllyFitness Food Guide where I provide some great options).  SIDE BAR NOTE - the only way to control weight is to control your blood sugar and insulin and the best way to do that is by eliminating processed foods, sugar and refined carbs).

EAT MORE frequently, and LESS - smaller portions. Focus on making sure you are getting enough protein and include it in every meal and snack.  I advocate between .5 and 1g per pound of bodyweight. Mix a scoop of whey protein isolate into 8-12 ounces of water or almond milk.  It’s yummy.  Be sure to include other sources of lean, high quality protein (chicken, tuna, salmon, steak, Greek yogurt, etc.).  If you need two servings of protein powder, you can also mix some into your yogurt for a snack.

Double your vegetable intake. Include veggies in your omelets, have peppers and /or carrots as a snack, have a salad with some protein for lunch, and be sure to include green veggies with dinner. Vegetables are NECESSARY for great health!  Try the green monster smoothie by filling a blender with spinach, romaine lettuce, celery, parsley, lemon, and coconut water.  This is loaded with anti-oxidants.  There are dozens of “great” greens drinks recipes.

ELIMINATE the Great White Hazards! No white bread (this includes biscuits!!!).  No sugar. No white pasta or rice. It is really bad for you and more than likely the main reason you aren’t progressing. Focus on complex carbs like Basmati brown rice, black rice, couscous, quinoa, lentils, etc.

Ditch the alcohol if you are serious about losing the fat.  A glass of wine is OK one to two nights per week. If you are serious about fat-loss, you can’t afford the extra calories.

Eat breakfast EVERY DAY!!!! Eggs and oatmeal, Greek yogurt and fruit, Ezekiel toast with almond butter, almond milk with a scoop or two of whey protein powder. No excuses on this.

Drink one-half your bodyweight in fluid ounces of water per day. DRINK MORE WATER! It satiates your appetite, helps your joints, and allows all of your organs and systems to function optimally.

Write down everything you eat for 5 days.  Write it down or log it in vitabot if you want to share with me!  Make sure you keep a really good journal and then you can analyze trends and see where extra / empty calories may be coming from and what triggers you may have.
EXERCISE  - To seriously change your body, the 3x per week exercise program needs to have some cardio mixed in on the off days. Here are a few suggestions to amp up your current routine:

Get in an extra 2 days a week of cardio. Walk, bike, hike, run, spin, swim, dance - whatever, but get a good 20 – 40 minutes in.  You all know I recommend intervals for intensity and do not recommend long cardion sessions.  The long cardio sessions will jeopardize your efforts.  Another sidebar: In 2012, research published in the British journal "Heart" stated: Running 20-25 miles or more per week eliminates the benefit of the exercise as you grow older and causes excessive wear and tear on the heart.  Dr Kenneth Cooper, the father of 'aerobics' has said, "If you are running more than 15 miles a week, you are doing it for some reason other than health."

When you come to AllyFitness for the workouts, SHOW UP!  The purpose of strength and conditioning training is to overload the body with a resistance greater than what it’s accustomed to. It is strength training that allows for maximum lean muscle tissue growth and the re-distribution of body composition. That means inches lost, fat lost, and BAM!  Your body is looking good.

Congratulations if you are getting the three workouts in per week.  That combined with clean eating will get results.  If you are stuck or need to kick it up a notch, Now you know what you need to do.

See you at the workout!


City Breaks – Ride to Amsterdam

Nor, at any time, by night or day could the mariners now step upon the deck, unless Ahab was before them; either standing in his pivot-hole, or exactly pacing the planks between two undeviating limits,—the main-mast and the mizen; or else they saw him standing in the cabin-scuttle,—his living foot advanced upon the deck, as if to step; his hat slouched heavily over his eyes; so that however motionless he stood, however the days and nights were added on, that he had not swung in his hammock; yet hidden beneath that slouching hat, they could never tell unerringly whether, for all this, his eyes were really closed at times; or whether he was still intently scanning them; no matter, though he stood so in the scuttle for a whole hour on the stretch, and the unheeded night-damp gathered in beads of dew upon that stone-carved coat and hat. The clothes that the night had wet, the next day's sunshine dried upon him; and so, day after day, and night after night; he went no more beneath the planks; whatever he wanted from the cabin that thing he sent for.

He ate in the same open air; that is, his two only meals,—breakfast and dinner: supper he never touched; nor reaped his beard; which darkly grew all gnarled, as unearthed roots of trees blown over, which still grow idly on at naked base, though perished in the upper verdure. But though his whole life was now become one watch on deck; and though the Parsee's mystic watch was without intermission as his own; yet these two never seemed to speak—one man to the other—unless at long intervals some passing unmomentous matter made it necessary. Though such a potent spell seemed secretly to join the twain; openly, and to the awe-struck crew, they seemed pole-like asunder. If by day they chanced to speak one word; by night, dumb men were both, so far as concerned the slightest verbal interchange. At times, for longest hours, without a single hail, they stood far parted in the starlight; Ahab in his scuttle, the Parsee by the mainmast; but still fixedly gazing upon each other; as if in the Parsee Ahab saw his forethrown shadow, in Ahab the Parsee his abandoned substance.

And yet, somehow, did Ahab—in his own proper self, as daily, hourly, and every instant, commandingly revealed to his subordinates,—Ahab seemed an independent lord; the Parsee but his slave. Still again both seemed yoked together, and an unseen tyrant driving them; the lean shade siding the solid rib. For be this Parsee what he may, all rib and keel was solid Ahab.
At the first faintest glimmering of the dawn, his iron voice was heard from aft,—"Man the mast-heads!"—and all through the day, till after sunset and after twilight, the same voice every hour, at the striking of the helmsman's bell, was heard—"What d'ye see?—sharp! sharp!"
But when three or four days had slided by, after meeting the children-seeking Rachel; and no spout had yet been seen; the monomaniac old man seemed distrustful of his crew's fidelity; at least, of nearly all except the Pagan harpooneers; he seemed to doubt, even, whether Stubb and Flask might not willingly overlook the sight he sought. But if these suspicions were really his, he sagaciously refrained from verbally expressing them, however his actions might seem to hint them.

Resimlerle Korece -누가 인내를 달라고

제가 하나 물어보도록 하죠

Ben bir soru soracağım

제 = Ben

-가 = özne eki

하나 = bir

물어보다 = sormayı denemek, sormak

누가 인내를 달라고 기도하면 신은 그 사람에게 인내심을 줄까?

Biri sabır istediğinde (sabır için dua ettiğinde) Allah o kişiye sabrı mı verir?

누가 = biri

인내 = sabır

-를/을 = nesne eki

달라고 기도하다 = birşeyi istemek için dua etmek

-면 = eğer, -se/-sa

신 = Allah

-에게 =(kişi için) -e/a, -ye/-ya

주다 = vermek

[Video Çeviri] ShowBiz Korea: Simply Kpop Sahne Arkası Röportajı

NOT: Videoda 08.14 dakikadan sonra BANGTAN'ın sahne arkası görüntülerini ve röportajını izleyebilirsiniz.

Rookie hiphop grubu BTS, ilgi odağıydı ve üyeler (sahneye çıkmak için) sıralarını bekliyorlardı. Diğer rookie (çaylak) grupların aksine, kamerayı rahat bir şekilde selamladılar. 

(08.47) Rap Mons: Ah! Çok sıcak. Ama, iyi bir performans sergilediğimizi düşünüyorum. 

(09.11) Sunucu: 'Simply Kpop' için özel bir şey hazırladınız mı?
SUGA: Hiphop grubu olduğumuz için, liderimiz Rap Monster rap hazırladı.

~Rap Monster free-style rap yapıyor. Bu arada J-Hope da beatbox yaparak ona eşlik ediyor~

(09.55) Sunucu: Bangtan'ın diğer gruplardan farkı nedir?
Jimin: Öncelikle bizim grubumuzun özelliği... Tüm üyeler şarkı sözü yazımında ve bestesinde rol aldı. Ayrıca, danslarımız da diğer gruplardan farklı.
Sunucu: Ben de o performansı merak ediyordum. Burada bize gösterebilir misiniz?
Jimin: Maknaemiz...

(10.23 - 10.35) BTS'nin olağan üstü şapka performansı

Türkçe Çeviri: @BTSTurkey
photo&video cr: arirangworld

Upstairs Bedroom-Before Pictures

Look at that carpet! Yikes! It was quite old and full of sand and pet hair. Ugh. One of the first things I did was get rid of it. I am happy to say my house is now carpet free!

 The landing. Did you notice the door? We flipped it to open into the bedroom instead of out, giving more room to the landing. That is quite the story!
 Window in the lading.
Bedroom looking the other way.
I know seeing all the woodwork I painted is making some of you gasp. It was a tough decision for me too. But the trim is nothing fancy, just flat boards and not even a nice wood, just pine. There were portions of it already painted, but painted a brown to match the unpainted part(?!?). And the other reason, my bedroom furniture is wood, so to keep the room from looking to dark or rustic I decided paint it!!

Looking into the closet.

Günün Cümlesi - 넌 할 수 있어

(Günün Cümlesi)

오늘의 한 마디 

넌 할 수 있어(요)

[neon hal su iss-eo-yo]

=Sen yapabilirsin.

넌 = 너는 [neon / neo-neun]

= Sen (ise)

하다 [ha-da]


-(으)ㄹ 수 있다 [(eu)l su it-da]

=-bilmek / -abilmek

-(으)ㄹ 수 없다 [(eu)l su eob-da]



= cümleyi kibar bir şekilde tamamlaya yarar

Not : Ünlü harf ile biterse ㄹ 수 있다

Ünsüz harf ile bitiyorsa -을 수 있다 geliyor

-을 수 있다

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix it*

*This post is alternately named: Procrastination Breeds Productivity.

I have had several things in my life break lately. Okay, to be honest, a couple of them broke months weeks ago and I have been procrastinating doing anything about them. In fact, am just getting around to figuring out what I am going to do about them. And there is no better way to start getting a lot of things done than a day where you are procrastinating something else.

Case in point. On Sunday, I was going to run. But first, breakfast. Then another cup of coffee. Then laundry, gardening, cleaning the bathroom (you know I am really avoiding something when the bathroom is clean!) and even getting my (2 month late) thank you notes/birthday cards written! And then I really started to tackle the To Do list. This is the list that each week I wipe clean the things I accomplished and add new things onto. Often there are things that I keep avoiding and therefore are on there for months weeks.

So, I started finally figuring out what to do about some of my broken things. I also recently acquired several new broken things, so July is going to be the month of fixing things.

What broke?

New tent. I JUST used it for the first time and then I glissaded down the mountain with it on my back and I ripped it! Luckily (?) it's on the bottom, so I should be able to fix it with just a patch or a piece of duct tape.

Sleeping bag. There is a tiny tear in it. It is not an expensive or great bag, but it has done the trick for a few years. I will probably just keep it until the tear gets too big to bear while simultaneously searching for a good deal on bags. I have actually been looking for a new one for a while, but the combo of lightweight, compact + low temperature = expensive, and I haven't found one in the right price range just yet. I hope my old one holds up until I do.

Garmin. Yup. The NEW Garmin. The strap broke! This is like losing a leg. I have been carrying it around on runs and I will probably send it back to Garmin since it is within the limited warranty (1 year). However, that will mean doing without it for a couple of weeks and I really don't have time for that! I will of course be running a lot, but I also have race weekends two times in July and two times in August so I definitely want it for these. I am not sure how to make this work exactly.

Phone. I dropped my phone in the toilet a few weeks ago. I snatched it RIGHT out (seriously folks; it was only in there for about 1.6 seconds) and turned it off and took it apart (and cleaned it!!) and put it in a bowl of rice. Later I turned it back on and it worked! However, there have been a few glitches since then. The camera makes a strange noise and the photo gallery keeps freezing up. I did not buy insurance and this phone is only about 8 months old, so I will have to just bear it / keep my fingers crossed for another year or so!

to do

Shoes. Have you ever found the perfect pair of black flats and then tried to replace them and it just doesn't work? I had the perfect pair but they wore out so I tossed them and since then, I have bought probably half a dozen pairs in an attempt to replace them. Two of those pairs have already fallen apart! I have searched high and low and spent anywhere from $15 - $60 dollars each and still no luck! I threw the broken two away; there is no use keeping broken shoes.

Car. Remember this? I put a lot of money into this car and it still doesn't work. Now the question I put more money in or do I give up while I am "ahead"? I am on the fence.

Bike. Remember this? I haven't been riding the bike because the chain falls off the chain-ring every time I shift gears. The only gear that really works is a high (difficult) gear. So on Sunday I took a ride to the bike repair shop! Now I just have to go and pick it back up and I am good to go!

Okay, so maybe the only thing I have actually done on this list is the bike (and the shoes), but at least I have gotten the gears rolling, so to speak. This month I hope to figure out solutions for the rest of the things on this list as well! Wish me luck!

What things do you put off doing? Do you have any broken items in your life that need fixing? Do you have any tips for fixing any of these items?