Mandy has had her room decorated since the beginning of November. She said she was in the Christmas mood early! We have had so much fun decorating our "new" spaces this year.This little wooden cut out nativity was from JoAnn Fabrics. A new addition to Mandy's collection and so cute!A couple of years...
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book nook etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
book nook etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Book Nook Footstool (Part 2)
This little project has been patiently waiting in the wings for awhile now. Do you remember my post on Making a Footstool? I did finish, quite awhile ago in fact. But somehow there was always something else to post! I recently found a frame for the house drawing from my brother-in-law. So...
DIY Footstool for the Book Nook (part 1)
Another project I have been working away on whenever I get a moment is the footstool in the book nook! I finished part 1 a month or so ago, but haven't gotten around to part 2, the quilted cover, yet. The project got a little way laid this fall as I let my sister borrow the foam squares I had bought....
Poppa Santa Claus (Book Nook)
Time to head upstairs for the tour! First stop, the piano window on the stairs, where we hung more ornaments.This years theme in the book nook is Vintage Christmas Cards. I guess I am starting a collection! A few were gifts last year, a few from the year before, some I found in an antique store this...
Book Nook Updates
You know how once one has lived with something you don't really see it anymore? As I am looking at these pictures of the book nook, I feel like there has been quite a few changes since the last post, but I really am not sure what they are! I will try to remember, but you might discover a few yourself.One...
Book Nook Chair
I couldn't decide at first whether or not to share pictures of the book nook, I still have a lot of plans for it. But then I thought, Life is all about plans and progress. It is always revolving and evolving. Blogs are suppose to be a chronicle of daily life, right? And sometimes I get a little bit...
Book Nook
We have been doing a little rearranging here lately. This cube shelf was originally for Mandy's closet, but we decided shelves hung on the wall would be a better use of the space and moved it up to the book nook. It was so fun unpacking some of our books! I love coming up the stairs and seeing all of...
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 08:00
bathroom, bedroom, book nook, dining room, entry, have-done list, house, kitchen, living room, upstairs
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While I was working on yesterday's post, I was thinking of all the things we had done in each room. Even though it hasn't been that long ago, I had forgotten some things.(too many things happening at once!) So for future reference and to remind me just how far the little house has come I am...