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bedroom etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
bedroom etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Vintage Curtains for My Bedroom

I gave my bedroom a good fall cleaning a couple of weeks ago. Shuffled the furniture a bit and then decided I needed new curtains! After a bit of thinking and trying to decide what I would want, I remembered I had a vintage curtain I picked up at an estate sale (Back in 2015! I blogged about it here.). I...

My Downstairs Bedroom

As you know, a year and a half ago I switched bedrooms with my sister Mandy. I was a bit sad to leave my upstairs nest, but for the six months previous I had been camping out in Mandy's room anyway (Because of allergies and the heat didn't doesn't really work upstairs, I wasn't sleeping very well upstairs).It...

Pink Christmas

It is probably no surprise to anyone that my room is decorated in Pink for Christmas! I was very excited to get out my pink Shiny Brights. In the old house I also hung them in my windows, but when I was upstairs they just felt like too much in the windows. One of the projects I was working on before...

Switching things up......

You know how life goes sometimes? One has all sorts of plans laid out and life just gets in the way! That is what happened to this post. I had it practically written out in my head, the pictures planned out and everything. But it just didn't happen like I had planned. Anyway, I will go with the flow...

A Cozy Bedroom

We have been switching things up here at the bungalow. But before we get into that, I thought it would be nice to take a tour of how Mandy's bedroom looked before!She has a completely different style then mine. A very cozy and warm bedroom. Mandy loves her animals, so horses and dogs are plentiful!...