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For some people, finding the motivation to get to the gym can be incredibly difficult. Others, I have found, seem to have the opposite problem. Perhaps you've found that you feel guilty if you don't workout one day. Maybe you constantly feel sore, but you don't want to stunt your progress.Last week,...
A lot of people get so eager to see results in the gym, and they spend 6-7 days a week putting themselves through grueling workouts. While dedication in the gym is important, we must also make sure we give our bodies enough time to recover.
I think it's pretty safe to say that many of you are not professional athletes. Elite athletes are paid to train for their sport--all they are doing is eating, training and sleeping. For everyone else, exercise is just supplementary to improve our quality of life. We have full time jobs and families to support. Most of the population is lucky to get 6-7 hours of sleep every night.
All of these external factors in our lives place stress on our bodies. Typically, we need about 8-9 hours of sleep to fully recover. We spend so much time working hard, but we rarely step back and give our bodies the opportunity to relax. During sleep, our bodies release HGH (human growth hormone) and start to repair our damaged muscle tissue. If we don't get enough sleep, then we simply can't reap the full benefits from our workouts.
Recently, I was working two jobs, training with my coach, and sleeping minimally. My joints were achy all of the time and I was exhausted. As a result, my workouts suffered greatly, and I was on the verge of injury. Once I was able to step back and listen to my body, I was able to start devoting more time and energy to my workouts again.
I'm a big fan of active rest days. Active rest allows us to get our heart rate up without continuing to wreak havoc on our joints. Personally, I love taking long hikes in the reservation near my house. I can maintain an active lifestyle and allow my body to recover in the meantime. Yoga is another great activity that will keep you sweating without any negative consequence. Not only does yoga help you stretch out tight areas, but you will also learn different breathing techniques to reduce stress. You should find an activity that you enjoy (I'm always an advocate of trying new sports) that will not introduce a lot of stress to your body.
Just how many rest days do you need? The answer is going to vary from person to person. Some people only need one rest day a week. I've found recently that 2 is usually more appropriate for me. Some days, I will lower the intensity of my workouts so that my body can recover. I'm an advocate of self-regulation: if your body is exhausted and everything hurts, maybe you should relax a little bit.
Rest is an incredibly important regimen for anyone who exercises regularly. Listen to your body, and your body will thank you.
“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” -Deepak Chopra
Spiegel, Leproult and Van Cauter, Impact of sleep debt on metabolic and endocrine function. PubMed.gov 1999;354:1435-1439.
Vanhelder T, Radomski MW. Sleep deprivation and the effect on exercise performance. Sports Med 1989;47:345-54.
In fitness, as in life, we are always looking to move forward. If you're putting in the hard work in the gym, you should only continue to progress, right? Well, ideally, yes. Many, unfortunately hit a plateau somewhere along the way that may leave them feeling unmotivated or discouraged. If you approach your workouts the right way, however, you will only continue to progress and grow.
Here's a really helpful (not) diagram of a plateau for science.
Here are 6 reasons you aren't progressing in the way you want:
Intensity- Are you giving your workout your all, or are you texting in between sets? Each week, you should try to add more weight or increase the number of reps you're performing. If you just continually squat 135 lbs week after week, how do you expect to get stronger? If you're not gasping for air at the end of your sprints, you're not pushing yourself hard enough. The only way we can create adaptation is to give our bodies something to which it can adapt! It's important to make sure you enter your sessions in the gym with 100% effort. (Well...most days, anyway. We all have our "off" days...)
Variation- It's nice to have a set split or program and follow that week after week, but if you're only doing the same handful of exercises ad nauseum, it can get pretty dull. Every once in a while, add a few new exercises into your routine and get rid of a few of the older ones. Not only will it keep your workouts interesting, your body will find a completely new way to challenge itself with a new task.
Muscle imbalances- A weak or underactive muscle might be preventing you from advancing as you'd like. Let's say you have really strong quads, and you can squat 300 pounds for reps. Just imagine how much more you could squat if you actually learned to use your butt! When our muscles work together in force couples as they're supposed to, beautiful things happen.
Program- Maybe it's time to either ask a friend for help programming your workouts (preferably one with lots of experience) or do some research online. Unfortunately, strength doesn't progress linearly, so it's important to make sure you account for that when you write out your program. Play with the number of sets, reps and the amount of weight you're using and find out what works best for you.
Planning- My father always tells me "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!" You need to set real, tangible goals for yourself. For example, one of my goals is to deadlift 300 lbs before the end of the year. As you can see, I gave myself a set number and a date by which I want to achieve it. Your goal might be to lose 10 pounds by June. Whatever those goals may be, make sure you've clearly articulated them to yourself and written them down so you can hold yourself accountable.
Recovery- Perhaps you're not giving yourself enough time to recover between workouts. Make sure you're eating enough food to sustain your activity level and drink a lot of water. A lot of people I meet have a tendency to deprive themselves of the food their body so desperately needs to rebuild and repair itself. Remember: food and water are fuel!
When you start to see a flatline in your progress, it's time to step back and reassess your approach.
"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
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