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Dehydration etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Dehydration etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

6 Ways to Overcome a Plateau and Start Getting Stronger Again

In fitness, as in life, we are always looking to move forward. If you're putting in the hard work in the gym, you should only continue to progress, right? Well, ideally, yes. Many, unfortunately hit a plateau somewhere along the way that may leave them feeling unmotivated or discouraged. If you approach...

Hydration for Optimal Performance

As I sit here and write this, I have a nice, full glass of water in hand.Water is the the fluid that fuels our bodies. We need it to maintain brain and organ function and for our muscles to recover after exercise. If we are not properly hydrated, our basic bodily functions may be compromised.Just because you do not "feel thirsty" does not mean you don't need water. Consuming adequate amounts of water...

How to Prevent Dehydration When Running a Marathon or Half Marathon

Many runners like a nice pint of carbohydrate solution (beer!) after a run, but there is more to hydration that just visiting the pub!Any form of vigorous exercise causes you to lose water through sweating, but the intensity of running makes it an especially important issue for runners. It's generally estimated that runners can lose the equivalent of 2kg of water per hour running. Failing to replace...

Day 49: You Geaux Girls!

Why is it that some days I really don’t feel like running even a mile and then others it is absolutely no problem?Yesterday, Mira and I ran about 8 miles and it was easy! It took us about an hour and twenty five minutes, which is not too bad except for that it means it will take us about two and a half hours to run the half marathon. Two and a half hours seems like a really long time!Earlier this...