Bayram Cigerli Blog

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The Local Immovable Property Tax is now due for payment at the Tala Council office.

The tax this year will be based on the 2013 property valuation [which means that those who previously had not declared any build on their land so that they only paid tax based on the land value should no longer be able to avoid payment].   The rate applied to the 2013 valuation has been calculated so that the tax payable should be very similar to that paid in previous years for the majority of people.

If you have acquired your title deeds within the last 12 months so that this is the first time you have been due to pay the tax, please take your title deeds into the council office when you go to pay so that the staff can check the information against their records.

As previously, where the property is registered in joint names, the tax will be payable by both owners, with the total tax payable split between the owners equally.

The Immovable Property Tax payable to central Government [at the tax office in Paphos] was scrapped after the 2016 payment.

Please note that the rate applied to the 2013 value will vary between areas, and councils and municipalities in that area.

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