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DRONES - rules and regulations and general guidelines re their use

DRONES - Article by Alan Totten, first published in the KVHA September 2016 Kamares Village Matters, Issue 8.

The first thing to say is that a drone is classed as an aircraft. So the rules are determined by the Cyprus Department of Civil Aviation. The rules for the UK, and I suspect most European countries, are pretty much the same. The following information comes from Ministerial Decree dated November of last year. So before I start; here is the disclaimer. These are my interpretation of the rules and you should ensure yourself, before flying a drone, that you are compliant with the current regulations - in other words - don’t blame me! Here is the link to the decree - Ministerial Decree relating to Drones$file/UAVS%20Decree%20402-2015-english%20tanslation%20last%20revision%20jan%202016%20(3).pdf.

The first thing you need to do is register your drone or unmanned aerial vehicle or unmanned aircraft with the Department of Civil Aviation using the form that will down load with this link - Unmanned Aircraft Registration Declaration - Complete the form, which is in Greek and English and can be filled in electronically, and e-mail to

I will focus on recreation use of your drone which will weigh less than three kilograms and be constructed by a reputable manufacturer (and not have been modified), as it will then fit into the open category. So what are the restrictions?

The drone must be visible to the operator at all times and never be more than 500 meters away or more than 50 metres or 150 feet above the ground or water. It is the operator’s responsibility to avoid collisions. The operator is responsible for maintaining a safe distance from all other airspace users, giving them priority and ensuring that no other aircraft is put into danger.

No commercial activity is permitted - you cannot be paid for anything you do with your drone.

You must have undergone training to operate your drone - the type of training isn’t specified but there are organisation in Cyprus that can provide training. I have details of a local training organisation if required.

Only daytime flying is permitted and you must be satisfied that you can fly the drone safely and flying must stop if conditions become unsuitable. Flying a drone whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs is definitely not allowed as is flying more than one drone at a time.

Dropping of anything from your drone is definitely out of the question.

Now here is the big one - taking pictures of my villa is out! Your drone must be a safe distance of, at least, one kilometre from residential areas. Also a 500 metres restriction applies to isolated buildings, people, vehicles, animals, structures etcetera unless the owner’s permission has been granted or they are associated with you or your flight.

For airports and heliports the safe distance is extended to eight and three kilometres respectively. You will also need to know where prohibited, restricted, dangerous and reserved areas are in Cyprus as flying over them is definitely out. As are flights above, within, or in proximity to military installations, public utility installations, archaeological sites and public or private facilities except with the permission of the owner or the relevant Competent Authority.

So there you have it - get training, register your aircraft, go somewhere isolated to fly it and don’t bang into anything. Chocks away!

Kamares Village Matters © 2016 KVHA 8

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