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Show Your Children a Healthy Lifestyle

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

kids fitnessWhen is comes to your children, there is an old saying that should make us think twice about how we live our lives and spend our time. As parents, we can spend hours lecturing, explaining motives, going over good vs. evil, but our children pay more attention to what we do, than what we say. How many of us remember with a snicker our parents saying, "Do what I say, not what I do," and then mimicking their behaviors?

Are You Being Watched?

Our kids watch us. They pay attention to how we act when we're happy, sad and mad. Our reactions to life set a pattern for us and for them. Do we rise above the calamity around us, are we part of it or do we simply succumb? Creating a mindset to become successful and diligent at our pursuits will provide a framework to help them negotiate a world that has increasing opportunities and choices, and not all of them are good.

More is Caught than Taught

Our health and fitness is one area that should be a primary concern. According to the CDC approximately 12.5 million children ages 2-19 are obese. Many call it an epidemic threatening to destroy lives at a young age. The American Psychological Association strongly advocates parents modeling good behaviors to set lifelong patterns in their children.  While we cannot completely rule out genetics and environmental challenges, but it must also be said that we cannot become apathetic and uninvolved. We must be the role models we were intended to be.

Be Who You Want Your Children to Be

If you want healthy, well adjusted children, then you need to become a healthy, well adjusted adult. Although it is convenient to work out before your children awake or after they are in bed, set aside some time to allow them to see you work out or join you in your activities. If the only time you're together your sitting on the couch watching tv and eating junk food, then they will assume this is normal and acceptable behavior. You must show them the right way to live.

Get Off the Couch and Exercise

Take your children on bike rides, hikes, swimming or simply just run around in the yard. Show them that living actively is fun. Don't just talk about the benefits of exercising, show them. Invite them to  workout with you or take them to the gym. Let them know how good is makes you feel afterwards and follow up with healthy snacks and dinners. Your actions are always a stronger influence than tv, school or friends.

Join Us at the Jean-Robert's Gym

We invite you to bring your children to the gym. Let them see the positive impact exercise has on so many peoples lives. We'll be happy to talk with them as well as show them that working out can be fun. Our goal is to help you set a pattern of lifelong health and fitness in your life and the lives of your children.

For more information please call us at (970) 920-9595 or simply come visit us at Jean-Robert's Gym located at 720 E Hyman Ave, Aspen, Colorado. We look forward to seeing you and your kids.

For great advice and fun tips, like us on Facebook and make fitness part of every day!


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