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My Fun Girl's Weekend Recap!

It has been a really fun, nonstop weekend! I have talked about how busy work has been and the long hours I have been working, and the weekend was just the same, ha! There is no rest for the wicked... except for this upcoming one! I can't wait. 

My mom and sister-in-law arrived at my apartment around 3:30 PM on Friday. I was still working and then hit the gym for leg day! Friday's are my hard leg workouts so I couldn't miss it. I pushed hard and it felt great. 

After the gym I met my crazy girls at home so I could get ready. We then went to one of my favorite restaurants "Cantina 1511". Mama and Amber love Mexican food, so I wanted to show them my favorite spot that is authentic and fresh. We enjoyed our dinner and cocktails on the patio while a man sang and played the acoustic guitar. You can't beat that! I ordered my strawberry and mint Mojito, mom had Sangria, and Amber had a passion fruit Margarita. Mom of course had to get a shot of Fireball whiskey. I have created a monster, y'all. Homegirl loves her whiskey now. After dinner, we went to see "22 Jumpstreet". That movie was absolutely hilarious. I have not laughed that hard in a long time. It is a must see!

Saturday morning we slept in then spent the day shopping. Mama and Amber wanted to get some sexy new clothes for an evening out. With Mama being single and ready to mingle, we have to keep her looking good. We went a ton of places and had a lot of fun. I scored a cute new pair of heels, a strapless dress, and S'MORES FLAVORED protein powder! Yum! 

When we got back to the apartment after shopping, Amber and I were going to lay out by the pool for a while. However, it started to storm (of course). So she and my mom made a pizza and I took off to the gym! I did 45 minutes of cardio -- 25 on the StairMill and 20 on the Elliptical. I was so proud that I went - especially since it was a rest day. I did not want to be around pizza!  

We then took showers and got glam for another evening out. I wore my new sexy Corset top from Venus and I was ready to be a man-eater, ha! Kidding. I got cute pictures of mom and Amber, but they were not reciprocating. The pictures they took were hilarious. We could not get it right. 

Once we were ready, we went and ate Asian for dinner then took off to a local bar, "Bradshaw's Social House" for drinks and to mingle. I sipped on the best drink. I LOVED IT! It was Skinny girl cucumber vodka, club soda water, and fresh cucumbers. That may sound weird to some, but it was so light and refreshing. If and when I drink this summer, that will be my go-to drink. I HATE drinks that are made with syrup that is loaded with sugar, so this is a great alternative without a ton of calories and sugar. My mantra is all about balance. I say go out and enjoy yourself, but keep it as healthy and you can. Those little victories completely add up.

This morning mama and Amber left around 11. As soon as they walked out of the door, I got right to work. It was such  a productive day! I did 3 loads of laundry - including all of my sheets and bedding. I then went to Target and Earthfare for this weeks groceries. 

When I arrived back home, before I got to cleaning and food prep I tried out a new recipe. Last night, my best friend Anna asked me to try and create a cleaner version of "Cake Batter Pancakes". I loved the idea so last night at 2 AM when I was in bed, I was putting a list together of ingredients, comparing calories, and just being the little food scientist I am sometimes, ha! I think I developed it so I went and got the ingredients  today while doing my regular shopping. Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a winner! I will be sharing the recipe Thursday.

Once my trial of cake batter pancakes were finished, I got knee deep into cleaning and food prep. Unfortunately I will have to go out and buy more chicken tomorrow, I did not realize how little I had left (oops!). I then got in a 40 minute plyometric full body workout -- my hot mess express!

Now I am off to soak in a bubble bath then cuddle on the couch to watch the rest of the last season of "True Blood" and then the new season starts 9! I am SO freaking excited but also really, really sad. True Blood is my absolute favorite show of all time. I have read and own all of the Sookie Stackhouse books AND all seasons of "True Blood". That show is literally my favorite of all time. I feel such a connection to Sookie and people tell me all of the time I look like her - I even have the gap in my teeth like she does. It breaks my heart to see this ending. Oh well, at least I will always have the books to read and seasons to watch.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week. I am ready to kick it in high gear, burn some fat, and work over this plateau. I was able to play a lot and let loose this weekend so now it's time be focused!

Try Quest Protein Bars!

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  • My Fun Girl's Weekend Recap!It has been a really fun, nonstop weekend! I have talked about how busy work has been and the long hours I have been working, and the weekend was just the same, ha! There is no rest for the wicked... except for this upcoming … Read More


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