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Vintage Find: Spring Form Pan

 Do you remember my post about Timeless Spring Form Pans? How I was in love with idea of a pan with interchangeable bottoms, how I wondered if they still made them? I actually did do a search online to see if I could find one. No luck.  
Then Saturday on a whim we stopped at an estate sale and there in a kitchen cabinet was a Spring Form pan with interchangeable bottoms!! 
 I must admit it took me a few minutes to realize what I was looking at. The pan with the flat bottom was on one shelve and the tube bottom was on another shelve. I almost started dancing when I figured out I had found a treasure!
 With a little scouring, it is almost like new!
 A very ingenious design. This little clip holds it all together. Just hold the ends together and slide the clip down. 
Wa-la! Now I have an angel food cake pan! I love that now I don't have to have a huge pan I only use once a year wasting space in the cupboard.
I was so excited I had to try it out! Cherry Tea Cake. Yum!


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