Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Around the Hood

This post is a little random, but here are a few things I have seen around the hood in the last few days.

-Maybe you can't see this very well, but when I went running last weekend, I saw this (it's a guy running away from me, on the wrong side of the road). As we determined, he should be running toward traffic. I wanted to say something to him! And this is the perfect road I am talking about, because you pretty much have to run IN the road, since there is no sidewalk and barely a shoulder to run on.

- Temescal Park, where you can swim! In fresh water. Although I bet it's mighty chilly right now! But people were there, swimming laps. It made me re-think the fact that I should probably be going swimming, at least once a week. It was so nice! I have the goggles and suit; I just need to work up the motivation!

- Another one of those "gosh darn them" moments. This car, parked on the sidewalk, where I had to run around it. There were plenty of parallel parking spots on the street. Right next to this driveway, in fact.

- As seen in Safeway. You probably can't read it very well (click on photo to zoom) but it says: "Warning, the red wine vinegars and balsamic vinegars on these shelves contain lead, a chemical known to the state of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm." So why are they on the shelves? Anyway, no matter, I purchased the one on the right.

- As runners, we talk a lot of the taper, and "taper madness". Well, if you come on down to my hood, you can get "taper madness"...or "fade madness", "afro madness" or many other fun afflictions. Or a haircut. (I wonder if they do those little z's?)

- Gordon Biersch garlic fries and a ballgame. The only thing better is that and a beer (not shown).

What's going on in your neighborhood? Where is your closest place to swim outside? What do you indulge in when you go to the ball park?

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  • Around the HoodThis post is a little random, but here are a few things I have seen around the hood in the last few days.-Maybe you can't see this very well, but when I went running last weekend, I saw this (it's a guy running away from me, … Read More


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