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Have Fitness Goals You Can Be Proud Of

How long has it been since you asked yourself what you truly wanted to get out of a fitness program?

For most people, they cannot remember. It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day race of "taking care of business." By the end of the day they have just enough energy and time to get ready for the next day. This is a challenging habit to get out of and move into a more energetic lifestyle.

Just as it takes time to settling into a new normal, it will take time to transition into a healthier lifestyle that will only be more rewarding in the end.

Part of getting on the road to adapting to new fitness habits will start with setting fitness goals that apply to you. Your goals can be small, medium, or huge! This is the time to ask yourself what you truly want to get of your fitness program.

Do not stress out if you are not sure what you want to achieve. Think about it for a few days and it will come to you. Some people already have a list they have created and feel overwhelmed because they are not sure how they will accomplish this list all at once.

The important step in setting up your fitness goals would be to create an action plan. Bite off mini challenges at a time!

Setting Fitness Goals:

What are the fitness activities that bring a smile to your face?What motivates you to jump into your favorite pair of sneakers and just take of running?What drives you to do one more rep when you feel like your muscles cannot take another heavy lift?Who inspires you to not give up on yourself (you can answer "me" to this question)?

As you set fitness goals, make a list of what you enjoy doing and a list of new things you would like to try.

I have a list of new fitness challenges that I am excited to try since I have moved closer to the mountains. Plus, I am learning new ways of challenging myself that I would have never tried before because I was limiting myself with the same routine. Now, I feel like a kid again in renovating my workouts!

Keep your fitness goals in a spot you can read every day. This should be a moving target as you move forward. If you want, keep a journal of your fitness goals and go back to read how far you have come in reaching your goals and take pictures to keep a visual of your progress!

The complete step-by-step solution is fully documented in a new special report, How to Build a Workout Program. The report is available for immediate download at and to help as many people as possible, this valuable report is available now for only $1.

Charlene Mallay has over 15 years of experience in Health and Fitness. Charlene has been recognized by athletes in the fitness industry for sustainable "time-tested" and proven techniques.

For media inquiries, to arrange for an interview or an expert quote, please contact Charlene Mallay at charlene


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  • Have Fitness Goals You Can Be Proud OfHow long has it been since you asked yourself what you truly wanted to get out of a fitness program?For most people, they cannot remember. It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day race of "taking care of business." By th… Read More


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