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Tips On Losing Fat And Building Muscle

ByGary L Corbin

Last time you learned some of the most common Ideal Fitness mistakes and how to avoid them. Read on for more clever tips to get the results you want...

Know Your Proteins

Different proteins absorb at different speeds. You have your fast-acting proteins, like whey. That's a good protein choice to enjoy right after a workout. You also have slow-absorbing proteins, like casein protein (e.g., milk). These are good proteins to enjoy during your last meal, since they'll take longer to absorb.

TIP: Eating essential fatty acids - like nuts or seeds - is also a good food to eat for your last meal of the evening. That's because these fats are slow to digest, and they may even slow down the digestion of any proteins or carbs you eat. And since you'll essentially be fasting during the night, it's a good idea to slow down digestion as much as possible so you have a slower release of nutrients.

Focus on Breathing

When you're lifting weights, be sure to breathe properly. Most people do this automatically, although some people make the mistake of holding their breath when they're doing a big lift.

Here's the proper way: Inhale on the easy part of the lift, exhale on the hard part (when your muscles are straining the most).

Don't Let Your Spotter Help You Too Much

Your spotter should encourage you and make sure you don't drop the weights on yourself. To accomplish this second task, many spotters "ride along" on the lift. That means they have their hands on the weight so that they can grab it quickly if your muscles give out.

Touching the weight (lightly) is ok. But what's not ok is letting your spotter "help" you by pulling up on the weight for you. The only time this is acceptable is if you've decided to do one or two more reps after failure. Since your muscles are already fatigued, you can do a partial rep and let your spotter help you for the rest of the motion... but this help should be minimal, and only on the part of the lift that you really need it.


Your gym time shouldn't be a social hour. Nor should it be a time to gawk at the other gym patrons. If you're looking around while you're lifting, then you're probably not lifting hard enough. Or worse yet, you're not focusing on proper form, which means you're likely to get hurt.

Don't be a Preacher

You've made a decision to transform your body, get healthier and basically change your life for the better. You're probably excited about your decision - and even more ecstatic about the results you're seeing.

That's great. You can share these results and your excitement with supportive others. And you can share tips with those who want to know how you did it. Just don't start offering "advice" to people who don't ask for it. Don't preach about a healthy lifestyle or tell people why their exercise and nutrition habits suck. That's a quick way to lose a lot of friends, fast!

Thank you again for reading. I look forward to seeing you on the inside.




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