Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Signs etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Signs etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Sign Says...

You know that I love to take photos, and as a spreadsheet making, hoarding organizer, put it in a box and check it off kind of person, I like to collect sets of things, especially photos. I take photos of trails, trees, flowers, roads, houses, animals and everything in between. One of the things I take...

Around the Hood

This post is a little random, but here are a few things I have seen around the hood in the last few days.-Maybe you can't see this very well, but when I went running last weekend, I saw this (it's a guy running away from me, on the wrong side of the road). As we determined, he should be running toward...

I Saw The Sign

Hey everyone, For The Love of Blogs is doing a Best in Category Poll! I have been nominated for "Best in Travel". If you are interested in seeing who else is in the running and voting (just click the "like" button below your favorite blogs - I am number 35) you can go HERE and check it out!! And, since...

Vietnam Fun

In case you missed my story the first time, pop on over to Women Rockin The Road, where I am blogging about how I almost got ran over by several motorcycles in Vietnam. While you are there, make sure to check out the How Do You Rock page, where you can find out how to tell YOUR story. If you have already...

Funny Signs, American Style

Sometimes even at home, there are funny signs. Most of these are at the office.Well what should I use them for then? This guy was MADThis toilet has no moneyNext sign will say "don't EAT in the kitchen"This sign was first. The next day, someone had added this one. Office humor! It's funny. Aren't you...

Sign Thai

A quick note: I added a new page - Travel Tips. It is a work in progress and I have a lot to add/edit, but if you need a general overview, feel free to take a look!!!  Also let me know if you have any questions or comments! Another installment of signs. Sorry about the photo heavy posts, but I...


In China, they sometimes put English on signs. The funny thing is they don't always get the spacing or wording right. Here are a few funny signs we saw while we were there.ForbiddenI am not sure what this dish is!Needs no words. Really.One word only. Saves money on spaces. Do you turn it off when...