Bayram Cigerli Blog

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House Progress 9

I have very few updates to show, which is a little unnerving considering we are supposed to be finished in exactly two weeks!  The builder assures me that by next week I will be astounded by the progress but it still feels very hard to believe it will be finished in time.

They prepped the front and back to pour cement for the walkway and driveway along with installing our exterior porch lights:

They installed our rain showerhead in the Master Bathroom:

And also installed sconces in the Master Bathroom mirror:

There I am again in a mirror picture.
That is really all to report.  They are in the midst of re-painting the interior walls of the house, making other repairs, and today they start staining the floors.  Hopefully, I will be blown away with the progress when I show photos on next Friday's update!

P.S. If anyone has any questions regarding sources don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail.  I have received some comments with questions but sometimes have a hard time finding an e-mail address to respond.


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