Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Lovely Day For a Guinness

 First, I just want to say...Happy Sunday everyone! This week has been busy! I am trying to (slowly) revamp my blog so if you get a chance, click out of Reader to check it out! I updated my Bookshelf and Around The World pages and added a List of Lists page. So what's happened this week, you ask? Well...let me show you!

I drove around small town America. 

Commerce, MO
 Went wild in the Target dollar section...

If only I had more storage space!
 I found this new kind of Ruffles. Has anyone tried these? They seem interesting. 

I found this bar. Jo Mamas!

I got caught in a thunderstorm! 
Yes I was driving when I took these. No, I did not die.

But then it was finally cool enough for a nice run! 
(see...not driving for this pic!)

I found this sign, which I thought was pretty funny. 

And I found a tiny pony! He was only about 3 ft tall! So cute! While stopped on the side of the road to take this photo, two guys pulled over to ask me if I was okay. When I said yes, one proceeded to tell me that this tiny pony has a BABY tiny pony. I did not see it that day, but now I am on the lookout.

I made a new running playlist. I have a post in the works about why it is all rap. 

Then yesterday I did my very favorite thing in the world. Made a pitcher of this. 

And relaxed with this. 

How was your week? How is your weekend going?

This post is part of these hops: 



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