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Do You Hear What I Hear?

I am obsessed with podcasts. I am sure that you all know all about them already. However, just in case you don't, can I just say that if you have iTunes, you can get podcasts for free? And they are automatically downloaded as long as your iTunes is open, so you really don't have to do anything! And if you sync your iWhatever regularly, it will take off the ones you have heard and put on new ones you haven't heard.

What is a podcast, you ask? Well it's usually spoken shows like audiobooks, but in 10 minute to 1 hour increments. You can get information on running, music, fashion, technology...and more! Here are a few of my favorites.

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This American Life: "First-person stories and short fiction pieces that are touching, funny, and surprising."says this source. Not only that, but I usually learn something while I am laughing out loud. So, it's killing two birds with one stone.

click to go to the show
The Moth: These are 5-15 minute live stories told by real people. This show started in NYC, and I actually went to a live one the last time I was there and it was hilarious. BUT when you can't make it to the show in the city, this podcast is a good substitute. Each week they have a different theme, so sometimes they are quite touching and sometimes they are just laugh your bum off funny!

click to go to the show
Savage Love Podcast: This one is rated PG-13 or maybe even R. It is a call in talk show regarding sex and relationships, hosted by a very vocal and opinionated, and funny gay guy named Dan Savage.

Planet Money - they break down financial issues into understandable stories, such as this one that explained some things about the 2008 recession. 

KEXP: A new song each Day!  

and many more! 
Here are the top 10 in the US according to iTunes: 

Gosh, even I didn't know there was a Harry Potter podcast!

Do you listen to podcasts? Which ones are YOUR favorites? 


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