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Un Dia - Bolivia Style

Today I am participating in
with Karen at A Peek at Karen's World 

 Almost exactly three years ago I was in Bolivia traveling and doing volunteerwork. Here is a normal "day in the life" at that time. You can read more about my travels in Bolivia HERE.

Well, we are now in Cochabamba and have been here for about a week. We are settling into our routine...Here it is, for your reading enjoyment.

-8:00 get up

-Have breakfast, watch my favorite show on Discovery Kids (in Spanish, its about what I can understand), Charlie y Lola

-Walk to class (about 20 minutes, mostly downtown, with a few plazas thrown in)

-10:00 - 12:00 Tutor in Spanish. We mostly just talk girl talk, in Spanish...I mean, what else am I paying her for? I am getting the best gossip in Cochabamba!!

-Walk home

-1:00 - 2:00 Lunch with the family (we are staying with a family in the down town area. They have other family come over all the time for lunch, so we always have a full table for lunch)

-2:00 - 2:30 Bus ride to work (volunteering) goes from down town to the subburbs, where the orphanage is

2:30 - 6:30 Help the kids with their tarea (homework), help them with their work (they each have a daily chore) and if there is time, play with them. The kids are from 3 yrs - 17 years. 30 kids live in the orphanage full time and another...maybe 30-40 come for an after school program around 3. It is busy, busy, busy...and my arms are tired from all the spinning around and carrying we do! But it is a great time.

-Bus back home

-7:00 Dinner with the family

-At 8 Julietta´s novela (soap opera) comes on and if you want to watch it with her (and another at 9) you can...It is actually good becuase they speak really slowly, so it is easier to understand the Spanish this way...but they are SOOOO cheesy!!!

-After dinner activities (there is a festival/holiday right now for one of the virgins, so there is a mini carnaval with food and fireworks and music every night)

And that, my friends, is our normal day!!!

Original Post HERE.  

What is YOUR normal day like? Have you ever lived in a foreign city? What was THAT like? 

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