Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Blast fat and feel great!

Building and keeping muscle, is the your magic bullet against aging.  One of the symptoms of the aging process is sarcopenia (muscle loss). Losing muscle as we age leads overall weakness and is a direct cause of a decreased metabolic rate - which leads to weight gain and possible bone loss.

Muscle is denser than fat, takes us less space in the body versus fat, and burns more calories than fat. The more lean muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate. You can be sitting on the beach enjoying a book and burning more calories than you did a year ago if you add strength training to your routine!

Most women prefer aerobic/cardio exercise as their exercise of choice and they on insist on long, slow duration and distance. Excessive cardio exercise will decreases you muscle mass over time.   I consistently advised my clients, men and women alike, against long, slow cardio session - ESPECIALLY if the goal is to lose fat, and change your body.

Strength training is one of the most important aspects of your exercise program. My programs include a plethora of push ups, planks, hip hinge type exercises, lunges with short intense cardio blasts.  Maintaining and building muscle will keep you looking good and feeling great!

You don't need an expensive gym membership or fancy equipment to get a good workout.  Your body weight will do just fine!  Visit my website or come see me for a free consultation!



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