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world history etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
world history etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

12 Astronauts Walked on the Moon

List of 12 Astronauts Walked on the MoonGreat Event in the history of the world. Human landed on the Moon from July 21st, 1969, onwards with the help of 6 Apollo missions except Apollo ...

Susan B. Anthony

"The day me approaching when the whole world will recognize women as the equal of men" - Susan B Anthony Susan B. Anthony (1820 – 1906) was an American social revolutionist and worked against women slavery system in United States with the help of her lifelong friend Elizabeth Cady Stanton...

Don Pedro Albizu Campos

In 1950, Don Pedro Albizu Campos, President of Puerto Rican Nationalist party was coordinated the serious of protest the against Colonialism in his region (Puerto Rica) to free the state from the United states of America rule in the island but they were strongly suppressed by the Major General Luis...

List of American War

United States of America and its War History America plays a major role in several wars around the world directly or indirectly. Still, the State holding its power in several states in the world. Most of the historian scholars believe the American state civil wars gave enormous courage to involves external...

Border War (1910–1919)

During Mexican revolution, American engaged its army in Mexican-American border which is also called as “Mexican-American War”. They revolution reach its height in Columbus town, New Mexico was attacked by the Mexican revolutionary Francisco "Pancho" Villa. In response the United States moved its army...

Banana Wars

Banana Wars (1898–1934):It’s a series of wars conducted by the United States of America to control the neighboring countries to preserve the American commercial interest in these regions also strengthen the central American power in this region. During this war Spain signed “The Treaty of Paris” and...

Nikola Tesla

The Unforgotten ManNikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Serbian American and well known for his famous modern Alternative current system (AC). He was one of the most famous futuristic person in his time and great inventor in electrical engineer & mechanical engineer. Some of his intellectual designs like...

Pablo Escobar

Pablo Escobar (1949 – 1993) was a God father of Cocaine,  Narcoterrorist, Lord of drugs, politician and richest criminal in Colombia. He is the first person who started drug trafficking in a professional methods and also he found the organization called “Medellín Cartel” which controls the drug...

Opium War

During 1880’s the conflict between China and Britain was reached the peak due to the Opium trade banned in China by the Emperor Qing.  The opium war  divide into two wars, First Opium War (1839 – 1842) and Second Opium war (1856 – 1860).Chine used Opium for medicinal purpose, later the European...

Tenzing Norgay

World’s First Mount climbers who reach the Everest summit - “Edward Hillary and Tenzing Norgay” in 29 May 1953.Tenzing Norgay or Namgyal Wangdi (1914 – 1986) was well known as Nepali Sherpa mountaineer also Known as Sherpa Tenzing. He was born in Khumbu, Nepal. In 1935 he got his first opportunity to...

Edward Hillary

World’s First Mount climbers who reach the Everest summit - “Edward Hillary and Tenzing Norgay” in 29 May 1953.Edward Hillary (1919 – 2008) was explorer, mountaineer and Philanthropist who was born in New Zealand. In 1939, Hillary’s first mount climb attempt in the summit Mount Ollivier, New Zealand....

Shoko Asahara

Shoko Asahara is a famous Japanese cult leader, who was born in 2nd March, 1955. He found a new religion called “Aum Shinrikyo” an extract form of various religious ideas. He preaches pseudoscience, Nostradamus, Hinduism and Buddhism in the name of “Aum Shinrikyo”. His left eye is blind and right eye...

Claude Monet

He was a founder of French Imperssionist painting. 1851 he was entered into art school soon he was well known for his  charcoal caricatures and sell it for 10-30 francs. He was refuged due to the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 and moved to England. He was well known for his landscape paintings.In...

Malcolm X

In United States of America, There are two great leaders who contribute their whole life for African-American freedom and black people’s liberty. One is Martin Luther King Jr was a great African-American leader who believed in non violence and followed Christianity and the another was Malcolm X who...

Che Guevara

The Brand of Young HeartsErnesto Che Guevara, The most famous revolutionist in the world who is well known guerrilla leader, diplomat, military theorist, doctor and an Argentine Marxist revolutionary. He was born in Argentina at June 14th, 1928.In 1952, at the age 23 Che travelled all over the Latin...

Julius Caesar - Dictator of the Roman Republic

Gaius Julius Caesar (100BC to 44BC) is one the most popular person in the world history. He was born in Subura, Rome. During 60 B.C Caesar came into politics to alliance with Pompey and Crassus, and then he ruled Roman politics for several years.In 61BC to 60 BC he worked as a Spain Governor under Rome...

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan (1206-1227) was a great Mongol warrior. He was a founder of Mongol empire by uniting the northeast Asian tribes. He was originally called as “Temujin” but after founding the Mongol empire he announce himself as “Genghis Khan”. He captured most of the Eurasia and invaded various Kara-Khitan...

Battle of Marathon

The First Persian invasion on Greece begins in 490 BC. The war between citizen of Athens and Persian force starts at the place called “Marathon, Greece”. At first Persian force captured few places in marathon with the help of 600 ships and 100,000 soldiers. Later 10,000 Athenians and Plataeans were...

War of Kadesh

In 1275 B.C, the great war between Hittite Empire and Egyptian Empire in the city of Kadesh on the Orontes River. Muwatali II (Hittite Empire) with 50,000 soldiers including 3,700 chariots and Ramesses II (Egyptian empire) with 20,000 soldiers was involved in the battle. Finally both empires claim victory.The...

Cyrus the Great

Cyrus the Great (600 BC or 576 BC – 530BC) was a great warrior and the founder of the Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty. Cyrus the Great was one the largest empire in the world. He expands his regain mostly southwest Asia, central Asia, and Indus River in east and up to part of Europe Mediterranean...