A Mamluk was a slave origin soldiers, who were mostly Cumans or Kipchak. Mamluk was most dominated powerful warrior caste in the Muslim societies from 9th century to 19th century. As great warriors they have a great political power in the hand and they became a sultan also. They showed their power in...
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world history ancient history etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
world history ancient history etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Julius Caesar - Dictator of the Roman Republic
By Bayram Cigerli at 21:17
julius caesar, roman empire, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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Gaius Julius Caesar (100BC to 44BC) is one the most popular person in the world history. He was born in Subura, Rome. During 60 B.C Caesar came into politics to alliance with Pompey and Crassus, and then he ruled Roman politics for several years.In 61BC to 60 BC he worked as a Spain Governor under Rome...
Genghis Khan
By Bayram Cigerli at 21:56
Genghis Khan, mass suicide, massacre, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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Genghis Khan (1206-1227) was a great Mongol warrior. He was a founder of Mongol empire by uniting the northeast Asian tribes. He was originally called as “Temujin” but after founding the Mongol empire he announce himself as “Genghis Khan”. He captured most of the Eurasia and invaded various Kara-Khitan...
Battle of Marathon
By Bayram Cigerli at 22:15
battle of marathon, history, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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The First Persian invasion on Greece begins in 490 BC. The war between citizen of Athens and Persian force starts at the place called “Marathon, Greece”. At first Persian force captured few places in marathon with the help of 600 ships and 100,000 soldiers. Later 10,000 Athenians and Plataeans were...
War of Kadesh
By Bayram Cigerli at 22:08
history, war, war history, war of kadesh, world history, world history ancient history
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In 1275 B.C, the great war between Hittite Empire and Egyptian Empire in the city of Kadesh on the Orontes River. Muwatali II (Hittite Empire) with 50,000 soldiers including 3,700 chariots and Ramesses II (Egyptian empire) with 20,000 soldiers was involved in the battle. Finally both empires claim victory.The...
Cyrus the Great
By Bayram Cigerli at 22:56
civilization, cyrus the great, history, indus valley, massacre, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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Cyrus the Great (600 BC or 576 BC – 530BC) was a great warrior and the founder of the Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty. Cyrus the Great was one the largest empire in the world. He expands his regain mostly southwest Asia, central Asia, and Indus River in east and up to part of Europe Mediterranean...
By Bayram Cigerli at 08:25
Black war, spartans, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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Sparta is the ancient city of Greece and its peoples are called “Spartan”. Spartans soldiers were had no fear and bravest warriors in the world. They were specially trained for war and fighting to serve in military. At the age of 7 Spartan boys were leaved their family and start training for battle....
Alexander The Great
By Bayram Cigerli at 08:19
alexander, Aristotle, Great Greek Philosophers, history, inventor, massacre, Philosophy, Socrates, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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Alexander III the Macedon (356 BC Pella – 323 BC Babylon) was a king of Macedon (Northern part of Greece). In Ancient history, Alexander the Great Considered one the largest empire in the world at the age of 30. He was a student of Great philosopher called “Aristotle”. In his lifetime he never undefeated...
Chandraguptha Maurya
By Bayram Cigerli at 20:32
chandraguptha maurya, history, indian history, inventor, Kalinga War, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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In 323 B.C., after the death of Alexander the new wave started in India and its sub continent. A man who defeat the strong Magadha kingdom from the Ganges valley and after next 24 years he conquered the northern India.His name was called Chandraguptha Maurya (340 BC – 298 BC) and he was trained by the...
Battle of Gaugamela
By Bayram Cigerli at 20:22
alexander, battle of gaugamela, history, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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Battle of Gaugamela (331 BC) was one of the greatest battles between Alexander the Great (Macedon) and Darius III of Persia (Achaemenid Empire). Darius III was ready with his infantry, chariots and war elephants to fight against Alexander. Darius III suppose to won that battle but due to Alexander’s...
Ashoka the Great
By Bayram Cigerli at 20:11
history, indian history, Kalinga War, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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Ashoka the Great (304 BC- 232 BC) was a famous ancient Indian emperor who ruled from 269 BC to 232 BC. He was king of Maurya Dynasty and the grandson of Chandraguptha Maurya. His regime was starts from part of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan in western part, Assam and Bangladesh at east, Kerala...
By Bayram Cigerli at 20:08
Great Greek Philosophers, history, Socrates, world history, world history ancient history
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Socrates (469 BC- 399 BC) was a great Greek classic philosopher in Athens. He played a prominent role in the formation of western philosophy. His students Plato and Xenophon worked for the foundation of western philosophy. Many claims most of the Plato’s dialogues were from the accounts of Socrates...
Mohenja Daro - Indus Valley Civilization
By Bayram Cigerli at 05:16
civilization, history, indus valley, mohenja daro, world history ancient history
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During 2600 BC, People built a new and well planned city called “Mohenja-Daro” one of the largest urban settlements of the “Indus Valley Civilization” and it situated in Sindh, Pakistan. The city layout is well planned on Street-grid of rectilinear buildings and it’s built with mud-bricks and wooden...