Bayram Cigerli Blog

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history etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
history etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Cleopatra All Info, Biography, Life, History, Family, Art,Makeup, Kingdom, Story, Friend, Childreen , English Story,

Cleopatra; Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt from 51 to 30 BCCleopatra Part...

Kurtuluş Savaşı Muharebeler Dönemi / İnkılap Tarihi Soru Çözümü #KPSS #AYT Genel Tekrar Tarih 2022"

5 Tarih, History,Çözümlü Tarih Sorulari, Video Soru Çözümleri,Nokta Atış Sorular, Kurtuluş Savaşı, Muharebeler Dönemi, İnkılap Tarihi,Kpss Tarih, Ayt,Genel Tekrar,Tarih Genel Tekrar,, Bayram Cigerli, Bayram Ciger...

"Turhan Sultan'dan Hümaşah'a Falaka Cezası | Muhteşem Yüzyıl Kösem


Speaking to History: The Story of King Goujian in Twentieth-Century China

Speaking to History: The Story of King Goujian in Twentieth-Century ChinaPaul A. Cohen is Professor of History Emeritus at Wellesley College and Associate of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University. In his book, Speaking to History: The Story of King Goujian in Twentieth-Century...

Blog, Blogger History and Other Knows?

Blog, Blogger History and Other Knows?artBlog is short for "web log" is a form of a web application that resembles writings (published as a post) on a public web page. The writings are often published in inverse order (newest first new content and then followed by the content of a more long), although...

My Complicated Relationship with Mike Zunino , by Bayram Cigerli

My Complicated Relationship with Mike Zunino , by Bayram Cigerli My Complicated Relationship with Mike ZuninoSeveral years ago our Seattle Mariners took a catcher from the University of Florida (his choice of school could have been a clue) with the #3 pick in the draft.  This catcher was going...

Of the Seattle Mariners Part - 3 , Baseball has helped fill that void. by Bayram Cigerli

Of the Seattle Mariners  Part - 3 , Baseball has helped fill that void.  by Bayram Cigerli Baseball has helped fill that void.  I love baseball.  I don’t think there is a more appropriate way to put it than that; I LOVE BASEBALL.  Everything about it: 10 to 9 games, 1 to...

Of the Seattle Mariners Part - 2 by Bayram Cigerli

Of the Seattle Mariners  Part - 2 by Bayram Cigerli It just so happened that during this time, the Mariners had also decided to be a fun team with winning ways.  The year 1995 was the year of the Mariners.  They had icons of the game, along with a future icon.  The team was...

Of the Seattle Mariners Part - 1

Of the Seattle Mariners  Part - 1  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same result (the internet says Albert Einstein said that, but the educated historian in me, knows he probably didn’t).   Insanity...that’s a good way to put it, I guess. ...

Good Lookin', May

Good Lookin', MayIt’s pretty safe to say that if you grew up in Spokane you are familiar with the Hutton Settlement.  The Hutton settlement is that community of four three story cottages north of Upriver drive on Argonne; the property is currently on the National Registry of Historic Places. ...

Hotel Lincoln/ Electric Hotel

Hotel Lincoln/ Electric HotelFifty miles west of Spokane lay the small town of Harrington, WA.  Built on the backs of wheat farmers and the Great Northern Railroad, this town boasted something a little unexpected: it’s very own five star hotel.  On January 11, 1902, the doors to the Hotel...

The Civil Wargasm

The Civil WargasmThe reading of Confederates in the Attic this week started with a visit with Shelby Foote in his home in Tennessee.  Foote is a well respected expert on the Civil War, who appeared and became famous in Ken Burn's documentary, The Civil War.  He speaks of the war much as Southerners...

History of American History

Anasayfa > Site Haritası > Tarih Notları >  Bayram Hoca Tarih Notları > > History of American HistoryHistory of American HistoryMike Wallace's Mickey Mouse History: And Other Essays on American Memory can essentially be called a history of American History.  He takes a look...

The Bahrain National Museum - A History

The Bahrain National Museum has a long history preceding its current location. Despite it being one of the earliest modern museums in the Gulf (opening in December 1988) and being a lot more humble than their Gulf counterparts, it is not the first 'version' of the museum. To delve more into this topic,...

Solar Storm 1859 - (Carrington Event)

The solar storm is one of the significant events in world history. The solar storm is origin from the sun which releases the enormous amount of energy towards the earth frequently, these storms may affect our earth magnetic field cause heavy damages on our current communication system and expose huge...

Hedy Lamarr - Hollywood Actress and Inventor

Pioneer and inspiration for several key inventions in modern communication likeWifi - GPS - BluetoothWho is Hedy Lamarr? Hedy Lamarr (1914 - 2000) American film actress and inventor was born in Austria and later settled in the USA.She was a popular Hollywood actress from 1933 to 1960. Most of the...

12 Astronauts Walked on the Moon

List of 12 Astronauts Walked on the MoonGreat Event in the history of the world. Human landed on the Moon from July 21st, 1969, onwards with the help of 6 Apollo missions except Apollo ...

The Great Stagflation and Modern America

The United States has faced a series of major economic issues in its history, the two most commonly discussed are the Great Depression (1929 to 1942 arguably) and the Great Recession (2008 – 2009 officially) but between those two is a lumpy, difficult to fathom, general economic decline that ran...

Susan B. Anthony

"The day me approaching when the whole world will recognize women as the equal of men" - Susan B Anthony Susan B. Anthony (1820 – 1906) was an American social revolutionist and worked against women slavery system in United States with the help of her lifelong friend Elizabeth Cady Stanton...

Don Pedro Albizu Campos

In 1950, Don Pedro Albizu Campos, President of Puerto Rican Nationalist party was coordinated the serious of protest the against Colonialism in his region (Puerto Rica) to free the state from the United states of America rule in the island but they were strongly suppressed by the Major General Luis...