Bayram Cigerli Blog

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It's a Wrap

This week has been a very busy one! I spent a lot of time outside, taking pictures of road damage. Fun! Those don't get included here though!

It's been a HOT week!
Notice the "feels like"
Last Sunday, I went to watch the World Cup with friends. Man, those girls are awesome! They came sooooo close! SO CLOSE! On the way there I took some pictures of barns. MO has plenty of them! You can see other barn and random photos I've taken each week here.

Big barn. Little shed.

Matching car and Barn.

My fave. Has a bunch of campaign signs on it. "Free advertising"!

Barn and Mini Silo
On Monday, I was featured at Yep They Are All Mine! I also ran 6 miles, which was NOT fun! See the face below? That means "this run was okay". Also note, I ran it VERY slowly. It was HOT! Did I mention that yet?

On Tuesday, I was nominated on FTLOB for "Best in Travel". You still have 6 days left to cast your vote! (click here)

A coworker's daughter brought Jamaican Meat Patties from South Florida (I mentioned them in this post). Have you ever had a meat patty? They are delicious! Here is a pic for your viewing pleasure.

Jamaican Meat Patty (beef)
On Friday, I ran my fastest mile in a while! Actually I ran 4 miles, but the first one was especially fast for me, so I am only showing you that one. (The others were all about 9:10) And it was about 90 degrees outside. Maybe I am getting used to the heat? Shaaah. And monkeys might fly out of my...(if you have seen Wayne's World, you know the rest of this sentence.)

Hurrah! Getting faster!
I found my NEW favorite thing at the grocery store (number 1 on this list)! It's pretty awesome. (You guys have probably already known about it for years.)

I've also spent some time writing over at WRTR: Go and check it out! This week I wrote about "dangerous" things, Bolivian style.

Thanks for reading! And don't forget: 

This post is part of Kim's Grab a Beer and Look What I Did Last Week hop, as well as the FTLOB Sunday Comment Love Day!



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