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The MacGuffins of Sherlock Holmes

The Great Agra Treasure (The Bristol Observer, 1890)
In last week’s blog post, I mentioned the use of MacGuffins as one of the frequent plot tropes in the Canonical Holmes stories. This deserves more comment.

Alfred Hitchcock coined the term “MacGuffin,” but good old Wikipedia offers the best definition that I have found: 
“In fiction, a MacGuffin (sometimes McGuffin or maguffin) is a plot device in the form of some goal, desired object, or other motivator that the protagonist pursues, often with little or no narrative explanation. The specific nature of a MacGuffin is typically unimportant to the overall plot. The most common type of MacGuffin is a person, place, or thing (such as money or an object of value).”

In other words, it doesn’t really matter what the MacGuffin is. My favorite MacGuffin is the eponymous Maltese Falcon. In principle, the characters could have been chasing after a package of money – but the Falcon is so much more exotic and romantic, especially given its history.

The Canon is full of MacGuffins, although sometimes we don’t know what they are until they are found:

  • The Great Agra Treasure
  • Irene Adler’s photo with the King of Bohemia
  • The beryl coronet
  • The crown of Charles the First
  • The naval treaty
  • The blackmail papers in Milverton’s safe
  • The black pearl of the Borgias
  • The document in “The Adventure of the Second Stain”
  • The Bruce-Partington plans  
  • Baron Gruner’s diary
  • The Mazarin stone

Should we include the long parade of missing persons in the Canon? I’m not that sure we can say they are “unimportant to the overall plot.” But for the sake of completeness, let’s mention Hosmer Angel, Neville St. Clair, Lady St. Simon (who did not exist), Lady Frances Carfax, Godfrey Staunton, Lord Saltire, and – last but far from least – Silver Blaze.

Have I missed any Canonical MacGuffins?

Baking Day

The last couple of weeks I have  been baking up a storm! I don't think I have been in this much of a baking mode since moving to the little cottage. Somehow, for me baking requires a clear, quiet mind.(I am not talking about whip-up-the-tried-and-true-favorite-muffins-and-biscuits baking, but the let's-go-on-an-adventure-and-try-something-new baking). There has been a lot going on since we have moved! But now that the house projects have slowed and nothing needs to be urgently finished, I am ready to bake!
I have also been setting aside a  weekly "baking day", depending on the schedule, whichever day I have an empty evening. It has been so fun to plan what I want to make and something which I look forward to all day!

Suddenly I find myself reading cookbooks just for fun, making a list of things to bake. Wondering how a recipe would turn out if I used this instead of that or added in this or possibly add more of that. I know some of the enthusiasm has come from a Christmas gift, The Great British Bake Off Big Book of Baking. (I didn't even know there was a cookbook!?!) I have tried a few recipes so far and have a long list I would still like to make. Which I will be sure to share!

Last week I tried 100% Whole Wheat Cinnamon Swirl Bread from King Arthur Flour. It turned out fabulous! I have been trying to eat more whole grains for a bit more staying power to meals (I have a fast metabolism).

It is kind of an interesting recipe. You start by making a starter to give the yeast a bit of a boost. There is also orange juice to counter the bitterness of the whole wheat flour and instant potato flakes for moistness.
I've never tried brushing the dough with a beaten egg before sprinkling on the cinnamon and sugar filling, but it works really nice. No falling apart of layers or getting stuck in the toaster! 

A lovely dense texture and the perfect sweetness!
The only thing I changed was to make it dairy free; used water instead of milk and left out the powdered milk completely.

This bread sure didn't last long! I just barely managed to photograph the last slice before it vanished!


Ahtapot Salatası Tarifi

fit salata tarifi ahtapotlu

Popüler bir besin olmasa da fiyatı ile dikkatleri üzerine çeken ahtapotun içerisinde bulunanları duyduğunuz zaman bir an önce tüketmek isteyebilirsiniz. Ahtapotun içerisinde D-aspartik asit (DAA) adı verilen bir asit çeşidi var ve bu asit testosteron seviyenizi yüzde 40 oranında arttırıyor. Bu da onu vücut geliştirmeciler için oldukça çekici bir hale getiriyor. Haftada bir kere deniz mahsülü yemek şart. Kas gelişimi için oldukça faydalı ahtapot tarifimiz yazımızda;

Ahtapot Salatası Malzemeleri

  • 150 gram temizlenmiş, sinirleri alınmış ve doğranmış ahtapot (dondurulmuş veya hazır da satın alabilirsiniz)
  • 1 Adet Kornişon Turşu
  • 1 Adet Domates
  • Maydanoz
  • Dereotu
  • Tuz
  • 1 Çorba Kaşığı Sirke
  • 1 Çorba Kaşığı Zeytinyağı

Ahtapot Salatası Besin Değerleri (150 gr Ahtapot)

Kalori : 138 kcal
Karbonhidrat : 5 gr
Protein : 23 gr
Yağ : 2 gr

Ahtapot Salatası Nasıl Yapılır?

  • Temizlenmiş ve doğranmış ahtapotu haşlama suyuyla beraber bir tencereye koyun ve yumuşayıncaya kadar 35-40 dakika haşlayın. Eğer dondurulmuş ahtapot aldıysanız bir süre donunun çözülmesini bekleyin. Direk suya atmayın. 
  • Daha sonra kornişon turşuları ve domatesi küp küp doğrayın. Maydanoz ve dereotunu ince ince kıyın. Bütün malzemeleri bir kapa koyduktan sonra biraz tuz, sirke ve zeytinyağı ile tüm bu malzemeleri karıştırın. (Tuzu dirseklerinizi bükerek dökmeniz çok önemli bkz : nusret) 
  • Daha sonra ise haşlamış olduğunuz ahtapotları soğuduktan sonra diğer malzemeler ile karıştırın. Afiyet olsun.

Sitemizdeki diğer Fit Tarifleri merak ediyorsanız buraya tıklayabilirsiniz.


From Cyprus Mail 20 March 2017 - article by Bejay Browne

JOINT military drills involving the armed forces of the Republic of Cyprus and Israel are being conducted on Monday.

The joint exercise,”ONISILOS-Gedeon 1/2017″ will last until Wednesday March 22.
The drill is part of the annual military cooperation now established between the armed forces of the two countries, according to a statement by the Cyprus ministry of defence.

The exercise is taking place within the Nicosia FIR and the overland of the Cyprus Republic and it involves personnel and armoured vehicles of the National Guard as well as various aircrafts from the Israeli Air Force.

F16 fighter jets which were taking part in the military drill were spotted roaring across the sky in Paphos on Monday morning.

Reportedly, the Cyprus government has lodged a formal complaint to the UN concerning a Turkish military exercise taking place 30 nautical miles NW of Paphos.  The complaint notes that the exercise is taking place within Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

The exercise is taking place within the Nicosia FIR and the overland of the Cyprus Republic and it involves personnel and armoured vehicles of the National Guard as well as various aircrafts from the Israeli Air Force.
F16 fighter jets which were taking part in the military drill were spotted roaring across the sky in Paphos on Monday morning.
Reportedly, the Cyprus government has lodged a formal complaint to the UN concerning a Turkish military exercise taking place 30 nautical miles NW of Paphos.
The complaint notes that the exercise is taking place within Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)


From Cyprus Mail 20 March 2017 - article by Staff Reporter

General shops will be open during normal hours on March 25, Greek Independence Day, but closed on April 1, the Pancyprian Retail Association has said.

During the Easter holiday season, general stores will remain open on Good Friday (April 14) and Holy Saturday (April 15) until 6 pm.

They will be closed on Easter Sunday (April 16) and Easter Monday (April 17).


Taking care of and renewing your British passport

Your passport is an important legal document. Identity theft, passport fraud and related crime are on the increase so you need to take good care of it. 

Make sure that it is kept in a safe place, is valid and in good condition. At the back of your passport, fill in the contact details of two relatives or friends who can be contacted in case of an emergency.

The British High Commission in Nicosia no longer processes passport applications. Overseas residents can renew their passports here:

Don’t book any travel until you have a valid passport.

For more information about the British High Commission, visit us at:

Or visit us on Facebook:
or Twitter:

For travel advice and information visit:          On this site you can subscribe for email updates regarding travel advice provided by the UK Government.

Incline Bench Cable Flyes

kablo istasyonunda göğüs hareketi

Türkçe Karşılığı : Eğimli Bankta Kablo İle Kaldırma

Çalıştırdığı Kas Grupları : Üst göğüs kasları

Kullanılan Ekipmanlar : Bank ve kablo istasyonu

Nasıl Yapılır : Bankı kablo istasyonunun tam ortasına götürün. Daha sonra bankı harekete uygun olarak ayarlayın. Kablo istasyonundaki kabloları aşağıdan gelecek şekilde ayarlayın ve kendinize uygun ağırlıkları takın. İki kabloyu da elinize alarak banka uzanın. Kabloları elleriniz birleşinceye kadar kaldırın ve tekrar eski pozisyonunuza dönün.

Püf Noktaları : Tekrarları yaparken çekme işleminden sonra kablolar eski hallerine dönmek için direnç uygulayacaktır. Bu aşamada siz de karşı bir direnç uygulayarak hareketten tam verim alarak kaslarınızı çalıştırabilirsiniz.

Kimler Yapmalı : İleri seviyeli fitnesscılara öneririm.

Kaç Set ve Kaç Tekrar : 12 tekrar 3 set olarak uygulanabilir.

Diğer Göğüs Kası egzersizlerine ulaşmak için buraya tıklayabilirsiniz.

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