It is Strawberry season in Wisconsin! I was so excited they ripened in time to take our cousins when they visited two weeks ago. We had a lovely time. Sine there was so many of us we got a bit carried away and ended up picking 28 quarts! I could of stayed all day in the strawberry patch! Needless...
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Cooking etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Cooking etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Peach Crumble
This summer the fruit has been luscious and plentiful. And I must admit, I have been in heaven! Cherries everyday for a month straight. Blueberries in muffins and smoothies, atop oatmeal and cereal and by the handfuls. Raspberries, blackberries and peaches so juicy and perfect. And apricots...
CookBook Project: Oatmeal Cookies
Oatmeal Cookies, with plenty of raisins, are one of my favorite cookies!While reading the King Arthur Flour baking blog; Flourish (I found the post on reducing sugar in cookies fascinating); I came across the mention of molasses in oatmeal cookies. Sounded intriguing to me! A look through the cook...
Easter Hot Cross Buns
Happy Easter Friends!I hope your Easter weekend was lovely. Mine was full of sunshine, daffodils, hot cross buns and insulation. Yes, we know how to celebrate holidays in my family. We plan work parties! So Saturday Mandy and I helped insulate our brother's house. This has been an...
Apple Buckwheat Muffins
Do you like buckwheat? It is a stronger flavored flour and is usually the overwhelming flavor in baked good. But oh, it makes fluffy muffins and pancakes!I think it was sister Becky, that first introduced me to buckwheat via a vintage recipe for Buckwheat Griddlecakes...
Baking Day
The last couple of weeks I have been baking up a storm! I don't think I have been in this much of a baking mode since moving to the little cottage. Somehow, for me baking requires a clear, quiet mind.(I am not talking about whip-up-the-tried-and-true-favorite-muffins-and-biscuits...
Valentine's Day Chocolate Cinnamon Cookies
In our house February is a busy month. It is birthday season! About three-quarters of the family celebrates their birthdays in February. So Valentine's Day often gets over looked. This year, my contribution to the day was making cookies! I used the Chocolate Cinnamon Cookies Recipe from On...
Cozy Autumn
We are moving on to that time of autumn where there are less and less leaves on the trees, hats and mittens are needed for morning walks and the days are shorter. Not only are the days shorter, but around here it is usually rainy. My favorite way to beat the dreary-ness? Do a little baking! Nothing...
3 Varieties of Apple Muffins
Muffins of all kinds have been top on my baking list this year. They are quick and satisfy my cravings for comfort food and baked goods. I even have time in the morning (if I don't get too distracted!) to whip up a batch before leaving for work. Perfect start to the day! I dug this recipe out of...