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cookbooks etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
cookbooks etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Baking Day

The last couple of weeks I have  been baking up a storm! I don't think I have been in this much of a baking mode since moving to the little cottage. Somehow, for me baking requires a clear, quiet mind.(I am not talking about whip-up-the-tried-and-true-favorite-muffins-and-biscuits baking, but the let's-go-on-an-adventure-and-try-something-new baking). There has been a lot going on since we have moved! But now that the house projects have slowed and nothing needs to be urgently finished, I am ready to bake!
I have also been setting aside a  weekly "baking day", depending on the schedule, whichever day I have an empty evening. It has been so fun to plan what I want to make and something which I look forward to all day!

Suddenly I find myself reading cookbooks just for fun, making a list of things to bake. Wondering how a recipe would turn out if I used this instead of that or added in this or possibly add more of that. I know some of the enthusiasm has come from a Christmas gift, The Great British Bake Off Big Book of Baking. (I didn't even know there was a cookbook!?!) I have tried a few recipes so far and have a long list I would still like to make. Which I will be sure to share!

Last week I tried 100% Whole Wheat Cinnamon Swirl Bread from King Arthur Flour. It turned out fabulous! I have been trying to eat more whole grains for a bit more staying power to meals (I have a fast metabolism).

It is kind of an interesting recipe. You start by making a starter to give the yeast a bit of a boost. There is also orange juice to counter the bitterness of the whole wheat flour and instant potato flakes for moistness.
I've never tried brushing the dough with a beaten egg before sprinkling on the cinnamon and sugar filling, but it works really nice. No falling apart of layers or getting stuck in the toaster! 

A lovely dense texture and the perfect sweetness!
The only thing I changed was to make it dairy free; used water instead of milk and left out the powdered milk completely.

This bread sure didn't last long! I just barely managed to photograph the last slice before it vanished!

70 Magic Recipes- Borden's Eagle Brand

 I recently picked up this booklet at an estate sale. These advertising cookbooks are always entertaining! This one is from 1952 by Borden's Sweetened Condensed Milk. Who knew you could do so much with it?!

This summer we tried an ice cream recipe with sweetened condensed milk that On Sutton Place had posted. It was so delicious! Very very rich, but very very good! I was curious to see if this little booklet had ice cream too and sure enough it did!

 These recipes are slightly different then the one we tried. There is a half a cup of water added. I wonder if that would help it not be so rich. Now we will have to give this version a try!

Doesn't this one look good? I think I will have to try this one too.

What Shall I Cook Today? 124 thrifty, healthful tested recipes from Spry

 Here is the Spry Shortening cookbook I mentioned last week. Even though it doesn't have a copyright date, the illustrations shout 1930s! Aren't the comics darling? The thrifty, healthful line makes me laugh!
 I have always wanted to try apple fritter, I will have to remember this recipe.
 Of course, they couldn't have a shortening cookbook without talking about Pies!
 I like how they have included illustrated guides. Sometimes these are very helpful as cakes in vintage cookbooks usually aren't the dump-everything-in-a-bowel-and-mix variety. 
The recipe for Spry Pan-coat looks interesting. I haven't thought about mixing the flour and shortening together.

 Don't you love the recipe titles? Arabian Dessert Cake and Apple Upside Down Cake? 
Of course the reason I bought this booklet was the comics on the front and back, too cute!

Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable Tonic

Have you ever heard of Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable compound? It was one of the first "medicines" marketed just for women. There is a very interesting history of the company here. They were a very prolific company publishing quite a few booklets on a variety of subjects.
This one is a cooking booklet. Published around 1929.
 The testimonials are quite something with their dramatic wording. But as usual for cookbooks of this era, you can spot several very cute aprons!

 "Wholesome Candies" ?!? 

 This one is on Sewing. Love the cover! It is also the same time frame 1928.

 Directions for an apron, which I made and posted about here.

 A simple negligee......
 a Nightgown.....

I love this illustration of  a "modern working girl"!

More Cooking Booklets

 My last antique excursion found me walking out with two more cookbook pamphlets! I don't know why I am addicted to them, perhaps because they are so much more colorful than cookbooks from the same era. 
Some day you are going to see me listed in the Guineas Book of World Records for the largest collection......
First up we have the Hershey's cookbook copyright 1940. I love the glimpse we get of a "modern" kitchen!
 All the basic chocolaty goodness.
 Sour Cream Cocoa Cookies caught my eye. Looks very interesting. I will let you know when I get around to trying them!

Love their slogan! I have a reprint of this cookbook from the 1970s. Most of the recipes look the same. But how can you go wrong with a bit of chocolate!

 I found this one very interesting. What caught my eye was the colorful illustrations inside.
 I love to read recipes for sandwiches. They were so inventive then! Though some do not sound good at all. 

"Avoid Spongy, Tasteless Bread - Buy Bond Bread!" 

Cheese and Ways to serve it

Being a good Wisconsin girl, this little booklet drew me like a magnet! Plus there are aprons on the cover and inside. A treasure! 
This little cookbook is five and a half inches by 3 inches, tiny and cute!
 The back cover, with a better look at all the aprons!
 Put out by Kraft Cheese in 1931. Don't you love how all the big food companies came out with cookbooks to promote their products? You don't see that much anymore. 

 I love the little sketches in the corners!  Not only are the ladies cooking, but shopping, chopping, stirring and serving.

 How much more vintage can you get then bridge sandwiches!
 I didn't realize until I was scanning these, but each page is perforated for removal and easy filing in the recipe box.