Last week was scheduled to be my highest mileage week before starting the big taper for the Firetrails 50 mile race, which is in three weeks (eek). As I have mentioned before, things have been busy at work and it's been hard to fit any miles in at all, never mind a large amount of miles, so I was kind of looking forward to getting this week over with so I can start to return to a normal weekly mileage...
illness etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
illness etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Sick Leave
My plan this weekend was to drive to my parents and stay the night, since I had a race on Saturday morning in their area. Everything was fine until Thursday, when I felt horrible. I was achy and hot and cold and tired. Remember the yoga and weights I did? I thought maybe I was just sore from that. But...
Is Your Comforter Your Worst Enemy?
By bayramcigerli at 03:30
2011, Conde Nast, Germs, Hotel Living, illness, Magazine Articles, Neat Freak
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I admit to being a neat freak. Sometimes. It's strange. I like to have certain things in certain places. However, other things I am not as worried about. For instance, I am not really germophobic. Don't get me wrong, I wash my hands after I use the bathroom and I don't *usually* touch the doorknob afterwards, but otherwise, I am lax. I sometimes use the 3 second rule.I recently talked about how I...
In Which I Discover an Allergy
By Rohat Fatih at 07:35
2011, Allergies, Baking, blog hops, Dessert, Entree, Flashback Friday, illness, Recap, Throwback, Week in Review
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I had the misfortune to discover an allergy late in life. I wrote this when I was in Uruguay a few years ago. "We went to the beach one day and everything was fine. The next day we got up and were preparing to leave when I started to itch. I had peed in the dark in a bush the night before and...
Belly: The Update
By bayramcigerli at 02:50
2010, food, India, illness, Kathmandu, Nepal, Round the World, Travel
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Well, in two days, we should be out of India and....NO DELHI BELLY!!! Yay! I am probably jinxing myself.I actually wrote the above three days ago. Right after I wrote this, we went to lunch. About 6 hours later, I was having a very close relationship with the toilet.I miss my mom. When I used to get sick as a child, she would settle me on the couch with an orange juice, a bowl of chicken noodle soup,...
Whew! Well, I must have ate something bad, becuase I was pretty sick for a little while...Luckily, thanks to the F word and Mr L, I was put up in the Lima Sheraton for a few days, which allowed me to get better in style. Then I met up with Chris and we headed up to Trujillo, which is the jumping off...