Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive

Guidelines for Fat Loss

Let's start with number of calories - For fat loss, men need 1800-2200 calories while women need 1500-1800. This is a are generalization.  Try to figure out how many calories you are consuming now and then reduce it by 10 to 20%. 

I recommend folks eat 5 times a day - breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner.  This may not work for you.  Try to find a meal routine that fits your daily schedule eating as frequently as possible.

Eat more vegetables.  It is easy to get more fruit in your diet.  Strive to eat more green foods, kale, spinach, sugar snap peas, etc.

Don't eat anything your great grandmother would not recognize as food  and avoid eating foods from a bag or a box.

Eat when you are truly hungry, not bored.

Keep a food journal.  This really works.  Most successful losers keep a journal.


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