Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Başlangıç Seviyesi Antrenman Programı

baslangıc seviyesi antrenman programı

Fitness'a yeni başlayan kişiler için oldukça yararlı olacağını düşündüğüm bir antrenman programı hazırladım. Bu antrenman programını yeni başlayanların sık olarak yaptıkları hataları düşünerek hazırladım. Bu nedenle programda sadece büyük kas gruplarına yer verdim. Çünkü yeni başlayanların ilk önce büyümesi ve gelişmesi gerekir. Temel hareketleri uygulaması gerekir. Küçük kas grupları ile vakit kaybetmeyin. Temelini ne kadar sağlam atarsanız sonucunda elde edeceğiniz vücut da o kadar iyi olur. Başlangıç seviyesi programını en az 1 ay kadar kullanın. Daha sonra ise programı değiştirebilirsiniz.

Pazartesi (Göğüs)

Bench Barbell Press (4x10)
Pec Deck Butterflies (3x10)
Smith Machine Incline Bench Press (3x10)
Incline Bench Dumbbell Press (3x12)
Dips (3x12)

Salı (dinlenme)

Çarşamba (Bacak)

Leg Presses (4x10)
Seated Leg Extensions (4x10)
Smith Machine Squats (3x10)
Lying Leg Curls (4x12)

Perşembe (dinlenme)

Cuma (Sırt)

Seated Cable Row (3x10)
One Arm Dumbbell Rows (4x12)
Wide Grip Pulldowns (2x10)
Wide Grip Rear Pulldown (2x10)
Hyperextensions (2x12)

Cumartesi Pazar (dinlenme)

Programda yazmış olduğum hareketler resimli anlatımları ile sitemizde mevcuttur. "Vücut Bölgelerine Göre Hareketler" butonunu tıklayarak (Masaüstü için sağ üstte - Mobil için aşağıda sosyal medya tanıtımlarının hemen altında) veya arama butonuna uygulayacağınız hareketin adını yazarak ilgili yazılara ulaşabilirsiniz.

Not : Vücut geliştirmede bütün programların ömrü en fazla 3 aydır. Daha sonra vücudunuz programa alışacağından gelişim yavaşlayacaktır. Bu nedenle kullandığınız programı 3 ayda bir değiştirmenizi tavsiye ederim.

BREXIT VIEWS - Appeal for feedback from French journalist

I have been approached by a French journalist who plans to come to Tala in May and would be interested in feedback from expats on the consequences of the Brexit referendum, ie decrease in the pound sterling on pensions, effect on 'buying power' in Cyprus, whether you are likely to remain or leave Cyprus as a result and return to the UK, or any other pertinent comments or concerns you have following Brexit.

Also from any businesses based in Cyprus on how they feel Brexit will impact on their trade.

If you are interested in participating, could you please email me with your details and advise if you would prefer to comment only [and state your comments in the email] or if you are willing to participate in an interview with the journalist - this is likely to be broadcast on the radio.

Deadline for comments or emails expressing an interest in an interview by 1 May please. Emails to:


Tala Council Office - will close at mid-day on Friday 14 April.  The office will be closed on Easter Monday 17 April.

Tala Post Office - Will be closed Good Friday, Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday

Tala Welfare Centre - Will be closed  Thursday 13, Friday 14, and for the week commencing Easter Monday on 17 April.

For general information most shops, including supermarkets, must remain closed on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.  In addition, all general shops must close at 6pm on Good Friday and Easter Saturday.


The following has been reported to me by Pegeia Neighbourhood Watch.  Please be alert for anyone behaving suspiciously.

Just to inform you that friends who live in the Universal area of 
Paphos have told us about a spate of incidents & want other people 
to be aware. Petrol pipes have been cut & petrol drained off 
several cars during the early hours of the morning. Our friends 
neighbour took his car to the garage to be repaired & was told by 
the garage that their car was the 6th car that day with a cut petrol pipe.

Cable Front Deltoid Raises

kablo istasyonunda omuz

Türkçe Karşılığı : Kabloda Ön Omuz Açış

Çalıştırdığı Kas Grupları :  Omuz Kasları

Kullanılan Ekipmanlar : Kablo İstasyonu

Nasıl Yapılır : Kablo istasyonuna gidin ve uygun ağırlık ve aparatları takın. Kablonun aşağıdan gelmesine dikkat edin. Daha sonra kabloyu bacaklarınızın arasından geçirin ve kablonun iki ucunu avuç içleriniz birbirine bakacak şekilde kavrayın ve yukarı doğru kaldırın. Kollarınız düz bir hal alıncaya kadar kaldırmanız yeterlidir. Daha sonrasında ise yavaş bir şekilde ağırlığı serbest bırakın ve set boyunca bu hareketi tekrarlayın.

Püf Noktaları : Kabloyu kaldırırken bir sakatlık çıkmaması için kablo istasyonuna olabildiğince yakın olun ve ilk tekrarı - normalden farklı olarak - yavaş bir şekilde yapın.

Kimler Yapmalı : Başlangıç, orta ve ileri seviyedeki fitnesscılara öneririm.

Kaç Set ve Kaç Tekrar : 3 set 12 tekrar olarak uygulanabilir.

Diğer Omuz Kası egzersizlerine ulaşmak için buraya tıklayabilirsiniz.

Shim Jae Geun

Shim Jae Geun
Modeling Winter 2016/17

Cozy Calico

Mom and I recently discovered the blog Posie Gets Cozy. (How have we missed her all these years?!?) We are so in love with her blog, her charming bungalow, cute as can be daughter and lovely quilts! Hours have been spent ohhing and ahhing. And before we knew it, inspiration was swirling around. So two weekends ago, the fabric was sorted, the sewing machine cleaned and threaded, the iron heated and a quilt was made.

Inspired by Alicia's calico comforter, we used an Ikea comforter instead of the usual cotton batting, tuffy floss ties instead of quilting stitches and simple 4.5" squares. From the fabric stash we pulled out all the reds, orange, blue, green, and browns (to match the living room) we could find.

Can you believe we had all these fabrics in the stash? Some had a copyright of 2000 stamped on the salvage...... It was so good to finally use them up!
The top went together fairly quickly. I was a little sad not to get it all finished by Sunday evening(couldn't wait to see how it would turn out!), but by Tuesday evening all the layers were sewn together and safety pinned. Though there are still tufts to be tied as we ran out of black embroidery floss.

 We are so happy with our new calico comforter, it has already become favorite. Kerri especially loves cuddling up in it. I love how nicely the colors go with the living room, even though to me it looks slightly reminiscent of the 1970s.


Cyprus Mail - article by Evie Androu 6 April 2017

A tender competition is to be announced in the summer for the construction of a new desalination plant in Paphos, acting head of the Water Development Department (WDD) Andreas Manoli said on Thursday.

The Cabinet gave the go-ahead on Wednesday for the construction of a desalination unit with a daily capacity of 15,000 cubic metres. The unit is to be built in Kouklia, in the same location where a mobile desalination unit had been installed in 2010, which is now being dismantled.
According to the cabinet, the decision was taken as part of the government policy to secure alternative access to fresh water resources and to move away from over overreliance on rain water.

“All areas of Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca and Famagusta are being served by the existing desalination units whose total daily capacity is 220,000 cubic metres, and which is more than enough to meet maximum demand during the summer season,” an announcement said.

It added that as regards Paphos, the WDD, based on its own studies, “has come to the safe conclusion that if draught is repeated the next two years, there is increased risk of water cuts in the summer of 2018, following far more serious cutbacks in irrigation”.

As climate changes with regards to rainfall deteriorate while Paphos’ water needs increase, the WDD said that after exploring a number of alternative solutions, it reached the conclusion that the construction of a desalination unit was necessary.

But the news was not well received by Paphos farmers who staged a protest on Wednesday demanding that the existing unit be revived instead of a new one being built.  This, they said, would mean that it would take at least three more years for the new unit to be up and running during which time farmers would risk water cuts as they would be the first to suffer in the case of a prolonged draught.

The mobile desalination unit, which was installed following the extended drought experienced in 2008, was almost never used as Paphos’ water needs were met by supply from the Asprokremmos dam. The contract signed with the private company which owned the unit, provided that the government would buy water at €1.21 per cubic metre and that the company would be compensated for the time the unit was inactive. The unit operated only for a short period of time when maintenance work was carried out at the Asprokremmos dam, meaning that it remained mostly inactive since.
The unit cost the government some €20m. According to the latest report of the audit office on the management of the water resources, in 2013 alone the state paid €7m plus VAT to the unit operator to keep it on stand-by.

After the lease contract expired in 2013, Manolis said that there had been thoughts to buy the unit, but that the state legal services had deemed that that would be irregular, thus the decision to have one built.  “In the summer a tender competition will be announced,” Manoli told the Cyprus Mail. He added that at the moment there was no estimate as to when the new unit would be up and running, as there are many uncertainties involved.

The contract for the new desalination unit, he said, will provide for the build–own–operate–transfer (BOOT) method, thus the government will not bear any construction costs. “The government will be buying the water the desalination unit will be producing,” he said.

According to media reports, the cost of dismantling the existing desalination unit will be around €5m. Manolis said that any cost for this will burden the owner of the unit and that there is no added cost to the government.


There appears to be an email scam circulating purporting to be from HM Revenue and Custom regarding a tax rebate again - the same as the one that was circulating some 12 months ago.  

It has not been possible to copy the text onto here but a copy can  be obtained by email from if required.


Please find below a link to the European Central Bank where you can obtain an average of the exchange rates between the Pound Sterling and the Euro to help with preparation of your tax return.

Please note that you will need to go to Select and change from Eu vs Sterling to Sterling vs Eu.