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U.S. Civil War, States Rights, and Slavery

A recent article in the Washington Post titled "Texas Officials: Schools should teach that slavery was 'side issue to Civil War" has, once again, shed light on a very old fight taking place on the core issues of the United States Civil War.  Historians almost across the board agree that slavery was the core issue of the U.S. Civil War, those that disagree will normally acknowledge that the "states right" that was being fought over was slavery.  I will touch on that, later in this post, but I first wanted to express in a more general tone why, to my eye, this particular issue on the interpretation of the U.S. Civil War is so critical and is still so violently fought over.

Since the close of the U.S. Civil War in 1865, and with the termination of Reconstruction in the late 1880s, the United States has seen a general move by its southern states, and portions of the northern states, to embrace the U.S. Civil War as a fight over the "Lost Cause."  This is a romanticized view of the U.S. Civil War, a re-imagining of the conflict as a battle fought by an outmatched foe (the South) against an aggressive dominating rival (the North.)  This view of the U.S. Civil War pivots the narrative into one of the Southern states fighting to defend more morally palatable issues for the United States of the 1880s forwards, issues of limited government, Constitutional balance, and yes, states rights.

States rights reaches to the issue of federalism, the balance between the states and the central federal government, and has been an issue of contention in the United States since its founding.  The initial divide between our two political parties reflects this, it is a divide which is rooted in the current debates shaping the United States today.

At its root the "Lost Cause" view of the U.S. Civil War was an effort to remake the war into something more noble.  It was also part of an effort by the north and south to reunify the country and close still strong sectional divisions in the early 20th century.  As part of this effort both sides agreed to a tacit cultural agreement, northern historians and cultural figures would accept the "nobility" of the southern cause and support that position, and southern historians and cultural figures would embrace Abraham Lincoln and the northern actions as necessary if regrettable.  I will admit this is just my opinion but I believe it was this compromise that really put an end to the idea that states had a moral right of secession as a mainstream theory about the U.S. Civil War, most people today may debate the legality of secession and when it could happen, but they've accepted the U.S. Civil War was necessary because it kept the United States a strong nation.

This compromise reached its height, in my opinion, in 1958 with the passage of U.S. Public Law 85-425 which granted the widows of Confederate forces the right to a pension from the U.S. government.  The actual law is limited to just this but it has since been taken in common culture as a taciturn recognition of Confederate veterans as having the same status as veterans of the U.S. armed forces in general.  For the purposes of this post the actual legality of that view is irrelevant, what matters is that since 1958 the accepted image of Confederate veterans in the south is that they were patriots, equal to U.S. veterans, not traitors or criminals.

But was the U.S. Civil War about slavery at its core?  Bottom line, yes, and also state's rights, and also regional power.  To see this though you have to go back to the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which dealt with how to handle new states entering the U.S.  The issue was the admission of Missouri, whose residents wanted to own slaves.  The challenge was that the balance of power in the U.S. Senate balanced evenly between slave states and free states in 1820.  This balance of power was considered vital for the southern states because the more populous north dominated the House of Representatives and with the northern states there was growing resistance to slavery.  (Not due to any particularly strong moral issues, although that was part of it, rather to a blend of moral issues with good old-fashioned economic concerns.)

To deal with this Maine was admitted at the same time, as a free state, and the U.S. Congress drew a line across the lands of the Louisiana purchase marking off where slavery would end.  Both sides also understood that newly admitted states would have to maintain the Senate balance of power between slave states and free states.  To offset that balance was unacceptable to both sides - to the north loss of the Senate would make them bound to an unfair "slave power" in the U.S., which had economic interests violently opposed to the growing interests of northern industrial powers.  For southern states loss of the Senate would make them vulnerable to pressures that would harm their economic interests as a trading power engaged in a fiercely competitive global agricultural trade.

This balance remained in place until Stephen Douglas in 1854, in part of a bid to improve his political position in a run for the Presidency, in part to open land for railroad settlement, and also due to his political convictions came up with a new plan - scrap the Missouri Compromise and let the residents of each state decide if they wanted to be free or slave.  Hence the creation, and passage, of the Kansas-Nebraska Act which said "you local residents, you decide among yourselves if you want to be slave or free."

Now if slavery was not, by itself, a burning issue with deep roots to sectional conflicts, state position, and deeply held ethnic tensions in the United States, you might imagine that this would have been settled in a calm, collected manner.  It was not.

The image above is a "free state" poster regarding Kansas - give it a look - as you can see people were quite touchy on the issue of if Kansas would be a slave or free state.  Both sides on the issue flooded the territory with individuals and the issue was resolved with armed force.  This period was, and is, referred to as "Bleeding Kansas" and it basically pitted "free territory" settlers against individuals from Missouri who came to ensure that slavery would be allowed to expand into Kansas.  The situation wasn't really resolved until 1861 when Kansas was admitted as a free state to the union.  (By which point things had already reached the "Holy Hell" stage with South Carolina already pulling out of the United States.)

Allow me to close with this point - slavery as an issue in the United States from its founding through 1865 was a contentious issue, both on its own merits and for what it symbolized to the people of the United States.  From the 1850s onward though it became probably the central issue of United States politics, for better or for worse.  From the rise of the Republican Party out of the dead remains of the Whig Party, a new political organization with an avowed goal of shattering slavery in the United States ideally and at a minimum containing it in the southern states till it died out on its own against Southern leaders who with the Dred Scott decision made it clear they intended to bring slavery into free states and use the power of the federal courts to make slavery a default acceptable option throughout the United States.

If I had to summarize it I'd say that the U.S. Civil War was about slavery because it was a war about what shape the United States would take, what sort of nation it would be - one with slavery or one without.  Because within that issue was tied a whole host of other issues of what the United States would be:

  • Predominately a strong agricultural exporter power with low tariffs or a strong industrial power with high tariffs and limited foreign trade
  • A nation with a strictly enforced racial hierarchy empowered by law or one in which the racial hierarchy was more fluid
  • A nation in which private property was sacrosanct or one in which the federal government had the right to redefine, seize, and modify property based on Congressional laws
  • A nation in which the federal government or the individual state governments would hold the strongest position of power
It is an ugly truth today but in the end it all really did come down to the issue of...slavery

Sources:  Wikipedia articles on Bleeding Kansas, Lost Cause, Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the Missouri Compromise

Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Row

omuz egzersizleri

Türkçe Karşılığı : İki Dambıllı Yukarı Kaldırma

Çalıştırdığı Kas Grupları : Omuz Kasları

Kullanılan Ekipmanlar : Dambıl

Nasıl Yapılır : İki adet uygun ağırlıkta dambıl seçin. Dambılları birbirine yakın olacak şekilde tutun ve sanki çenenize değdirmeye çalışıyormuş gibi yukarı doğru kaldırın. Daha sonra ise kontrollü bir şekilde aşağı doğru indirin ve hareketi tekrarlayın.

Püf Noktaları : Dambılları aynı anda indirip kaldırdığınızdan emin olun.

Kimler Yapmalı : Başlangıç, orta ve ileri seviyedeki fitnesscılara öneririm.

Kaç Set ve Kaç Tekrar : 3 set 12 tekrar olarak uygulanabilir.

Diğer Omuz Kası egzersizlerine ulaşmak için buraya tıklayabilirsiniz.

Ji Won Hong

Ji Won Hong
Musclemania Weekend Winter 2016/17


From InCyprus 23/2/2017

Consumers are set to benefit from a new price list being prepared for prescription drugs sold by pharmacies, according to press reports on Thursday.
Sources close to Phileleftheros have indicated that prices for medicines will not increase but in many cases will decrease.

The new catalogue will come into effect on March 15 and is a result of negotiations between the Health Ministry and pharmaceutical companies in regulating the price of medicines.
Cyprus bases the price of its medicines on the average sales price of the same medicines in four European countries; Sweden (as the most expensive), Austria and France (mid-price) and Greece (the cheapest).
The new prices and expected reductions come at a time of reported spikes in the prices of medicines in the north of Cyprus.
Previous years saw the Pharmaceutical Services apply a 8.5% cut on the price of medicines costing more than €10 – much to the objections of the pharmaceutical companies.
The new agreement does away with the 8.5% reduction but it has been agreed that prices will remain the same for medicines that show an increase in price, while those that show a decrease in price will be priced accordingly.
The new agreement is valid for prescription drugs only as prices for non-prescription drugs are not regulated and are determined by the suppliers.
The new catalogue is expected to be the last to be prepared according to the current pricing system which was introduced in 2005.
Health Minister Giorgos Pamboridis has ordered ministry officials to prepare a proposal of changing the system and by using other countries as a reference in order to ensure a general reduction in the price of medicines in Cyprus.
Pamboridis has called the pharmaceutical companies to submit their proposals to the Health Ministry by mid-March at the same time when he expects ministry officials to have completed their proposals.
The reduction in the price of medicines has been suggested countless times over the past few years by the Audit Services.

Nam Eun Cho

Nam Eun Cho
Competition Fall 2016

Fitnesscılar İçin Ucuz Protein Kaynakları

fiyatı uygun proteinler

Vücut geliştirme ile uğraşan kişiler normal bireylerden çok daha fazla proteine ihtiyaç duyar. Bu protein açığını kapatmak için ise çok daha fazla besin tüketmeleri gerekir. Ancak bu artan besin ihtiyacı ile birlikte maddi anlamda da giderlerimiz artmakta ve çoğu zaman bu ihtiyaçlarımızı karşılayamayacak duruma gelebiliyoruz. Bunun önüne geçebilmemiz için ise ucuz protein kaynaklarına yönelmekten başka çaremiz kalmıyor maalesef.

Bu yazımda fitnesscılar olarak ihtiyacımız olan proteini en ucuz ve uygun yollardan nasıl karşılayabileceğimizi anlatacağım. Bir kaç besin öğesi fiyatı ve içerdiği protein miktarı ile diğerlerinden biraz daha fazla ön plana çıkıyor. İşte o besinler;

Yumurta : Kahvaltılarda başı çeker. Bir çok profesyonel sporcu yumurtaları koli ile tüketir. Bu adamların bir bildiği varmış demek ki, çünkü yumurtanın tanesi 50 kuruş ve tanesinde 13 gram protein bulunuyor.

Tavuk : Hayvansal protein kaynağı vücut geliştirme için oldukça önemli. Ancak artan kırmızı et fiyatları malum. Bu sebeple fiyat olarak daha uygun olan tavuk etine yönelmenizi tavsiye ederim. Tavuk etinin 100 gramında yaklaşık 25 gram protein bulunuyor ve fiyatı 12 lira.

Yulaf : Karbonhidrat, protein ve lif bakımından oldukça zengin olan yulafın 100 gramında 12 gram protein bulunuyor ve 500 gramlık paketi yalnızca 5 lira.

Süt : İçerisinde bolca yavaş sindirilen protein çeşidinden olan casein proteini bulunan bu besin öğelerinin 100 gramında 3,5 gram protein bulunuyor ve 1 litrelik paketi 3 lira.

Yoğurt : Tıpkı sütte olduğu gibi yoğurtta da casein proteini bol miktarda bulunur. 100 gramında 10 gram protein bulunan yoğurdun 2 kiloluk fiyatı ise yalnızca 8 lira.

Ton Balığı : Konserve şeklinde satılmakta olan ton balığının 100 gramında 23 gram protein bulunur. Ayrıca orta boy bir ton balığı konservesinin fiyatı (markaya göre değişebilir) yaklaşık olarak 3 lira.

Lor Peynir : Tad olarak pek sevilmese de çeşitli tariflerle oldukça lezzetli bir hale getirebilir. 100 gramında 12 gram protein bulunan lor peynirinin 500 gramlık bir paketi ise 5 lira.

Fasulye : Hazırlamasını bilen için oldukça lezzetli ve iyi bir protein kaynağı. 100 gramında 18 gram protein bulunuyor ve kilosu yaklaşık 10 lira civarı.

Not : Yazımı günümüzün fiyatlarını değerlendirerek yazdım. İlerleyen zamanlarda bu fiyatlarda değişiklikler olabilir.



Telefon takip yazılımları arasında Android işletim sistemine özel telefonlar için geliştirilmiş olan Xmobile Pro telefon takip programının nasıl yüklenip kurulduğunu aşağıdaki videoda detaylı olarak görebilirsiniz. Videoyu izlediğinizde sizinde çok kolaylıkla anlayacağı gibi Xmobile Pro telefon dinleme programı sadece 2 dakika kadar kısa bir sürede kurulabiliryor, kurulum sonrasında ise tek yapmanız gereken şey , kurulumda belirttiğiniz e-mail adresinize gelen onay e-postasındaki aktivasyon linkine tıklayıp onaylayarak kullanıcı panelinize girmek ve yazılımı denemeye başlamak. Evet Xmobile Pro Ücretsiz Deneme süresi sağlayan bir yazılımdır ve yazılımı satın almadan önce deneyip tüm özelliklerini test edebilirsiniz.


İasos Antik Kenti'nde Karyalılar'ın İzinde

Ülkemizin dört bir yanı antik kentlerle çevrili. Özellikle kıyı şeridindeki antik kentler konumları ile de görmeye ve keşfedilmeye değer güzellikte. Tatil denildiğinde pek çok insanın aklına gelen öncelikle güneş, kum ve deniz üçlemesidir. Denize girip serinlemek, güneşi doyasıya tende hissetmek güzeldir elbette ancak tatil süreçlerini çok daha verimli, çok daha zengin kılacak başkaca


Please be vigilant for strange vehicle or people activity in the area of Koralion/Verginas/Megalou Alexandrou.

Over the last week, there have been a number of attempted break ins, most have been unsuccessful but there have been at least two where entry has been gained to properties.   Again, cash and jewellery appear to be the main targets.   Unfortunately the quiet period which has lasted for the last month or so appears to be over, although the Police do tell me that they have been successful in catching several offenders which appears to have reduced activity a little.

It would appear that in most of the incidents I have been made aware of, the Police have not been notified.   This means that access cannot be gained to any camera footage from the security cameras around Kamares, and the Police staffing levels are not geared up to cope with the volume of break ins, whether attempted or otherwise.

Koralion and Megalou Alexandrou  run south from Mary Leptos Street.   Verginas runs from the bottom of Koralion and Megalou Alexandrou and joins up with the road that runs into the village past Vrasidas Taverna.

A Few of My Favorite Books

My little library
Maybe I have a face for radio. A very small station in Cincinnati, WMKV, invited me to hold forth on a call-in program about book collecting. My subject, of course,  would be Sherlock Holmes.

My objection that I’m actually an accumulator of books and not a collector was met with an assurance that the listeners aren’t collectors either. Having no good rebuttal to that, I agreed to go to the studio for an hour on Friday, April 7.

I plan to talk about some of the books in my library that are most meaningful to me – The Complete Sherlock Holmes that I bought with my own money in the seventh grade, the rare Three Problems for Solar Pons that I picked up for a quarter at a library sale, and several books that look and feel like volumes I read when I was very young.  

I’ll also explain the Shaw 100, recommend Sherlock Holmes for Dummies, tell the story of Vincent Starrett’s Holmes collections, and discuss the Holmes material stolen in my first Sebastian McCabe – Jeff Cody mystery, No Police Like Holmes.

All of that may take less time than I think, so help me out. What’s your favorite Holmes book now residing on your shelves and why? Or what’s your favorite story about how you got a book? Or your favorite story about how you didn’t get a book?

If you’re willing to share with me, I’m willing to share with the radio audience. This is starting to seem like fun.