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US History etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
US History etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

U.S. Civil War, States Rights, and Slavery

A recent article in the Washington Post titled "Texas Officials: Schools should teach that slavery was 'side issue to Civil War" has, once again, shed light on a very old fight taking place on the core issues of the United States Civil War.  Historians almost across the board agree that slavery...

George Washington's Legacy - Not What People Think

2016 has been an acrimonious year election-wise in the United States and I've noticed a trend in this particular election to generate memes like the one above.  In it we see George Washington scolding the United States population for some sort of vague "make your government more what you want it...

War of 1812 – Reflections on a Legacy

It is March of 2011 – currently making news around the nation is the hundred and fifty year anniversary of the wave of secessions that sparked the outbreak of the American Civil War – you can fully expect over the next few years to have a regular wave of commentary and news stories about reenactments of the US Civil War, the major events and battles of the Civil War being hashed out again,...

Overheard Misuse of History – Opinion

Yesterday while walking around the city I overheard two young students engaged in a debate over their ideal visions of the role of the US government in the lives of its individual citizens.  What struck me in this classic debate was the comment made by one student, a young man dressed in sweat pants, sweat shirt, and ball cap, that in his ideal vision of the United States: “the federal government...