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Running for Fitness - Should You Sprint?

"Running: a means of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot. It is simply defined in athletic terms as a gait in which at regular points during the running cycle both feet are off the ground."
From Wikipedia

A long winded way to describe something that we all enjoyed doing as children and along with walking one of the best and most natural methods of exercise known to man.

Speed and distance may vary and range from a slow jog to a full out sprint. Many individuals compete in events that place participants in a contest to test speed in a sprint or endurance in a distance race like the marathon. The running mechanics may seem to be the same, but there are differences in running mechanics and additional factors which make a marathon very different to a sprint.

Sprints commonly are tested in track events including 100 m, 200 m or 400 m races. World-class athletes may finish these events in ten seconds, twenty seconds or forty-five seconds, respectively. A marathon is a race that's 26.2 miles in length with world-class athletes completing the race in just over 2 hours.

Sprinting isn't simply a faster version of running, and running is not simply a slowed down sprint. They are in fact different disciplines altogether. Sprinting calls for the athlete to learn and use a very different technique and uses different muscle fibers. Consequently, sprint workouts must be specifically tailored to train the muscles involved and the energy systems in a unique way. And similarly, unique methods need to be applied to training for a distance event.

The marathon, at a distance over 26.2 miles, is among the most respected athletic accomplishments available to the general public. Anyone with some training, may line up in the same event as the best distance runners in the world. This is unique to the marathon as it is unlikely that the average fitness enthusiast would ever get the chance to run in the same race as Usane Bolt.

Training for and completing a marathon calls for considerable cardio vascular fitness and determination. Everyone, from the novice training for his or her first run, to Olympic athletes, can learn to run faster and more efficiently.

When you're beginning, the gains in speed are fairly easy to accomplish by simply improving your fitness levels. As you become a better runner, however, to make further improvements you have to commit some of your time to building strength and speed in order to become a faster runner.

Whether your goal is to set a new personal best in your next 5k race, win your age bracket at an up-coming charity run or qualify for a state or national championship, with a properly structured training program you can learn to run faster.

For more advice on all things fitness visit Fitpro2U

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 "Excellent day for Dusting......Start with a few Dreams!"
(According to my fortune cookie at lunch today.)

The Downside To Walking 10,000 Steps A Day

Doctors and researchers have advised us to take a minimum of 10,000 steps per day to stay fit and healthy. Everyone always talks about the great benefits associated with these extra steps, but never about the downside. I bought a pedometer a few months ago and have reached my daily step goals on a consistent basis. Here are some of the negative side effects I have noticed.

1 - None of my clothes fit me anymore

Three months of walking did something strange: it caused all of my clothing to become way too big on me. Now I find myself needing to fork over hard-earned money to replace my wardrobe with smaller articles of clothing.

2- My waking shoes are actually getting worn out

I have a pair of shoes that I use for after dinner walks. These shoes have been with me for years with no troubles. Inexplicably, they are worn out and need to be replaced.

3 - I am missing out on some of my favorite TV shows

I find myself with so much extra energy that I don't want to sit in front of the TV for hours on end. I find myself at places like museums and farmers markets instead, while I miss more and more of the plot lines on my favorite shows.

4 - Junk food has lost much of its appeal

I just don't get the same amount of pleasure from downing an entire bag of chips at one sitting as I once did. Maybe that has something to do with #3, since I normally did my junk food eating on the couch in front of the TV. I actually found myself planting vegetables in my backyard the other day! This type of behavior was never part of my usual routine before I took up walking. The walking must be to blame. Now what will I do with all those healthy vegetables I grow?

5 - I'm meeting neighbors that I have lived near for years for the first time

People I have never met are being friendly to me and cheering me on. Strangers are becoming friends and they tell me how great I look now that I lost 20 pounds. This is just strange behavior that I have never encountered before I starting walking around my neighborhood.

6 -???

Ok, so I can't seem to come up with a sixth negative side effect. The truth is, I am very much enjoying all the healthy side effects of walking. I am amazed at how one healthy habit leads to another. Taking 10,000 steps per day is helpful by itself, but the true benefit lies in how it can lead to an all-around healthier life-style.

Heather Krasovec, creator of, is dedicated to helping consumers find the best products to stay fit and healthy.

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Good Housekeeping 1924 Fashion, part 1


Dizde sıvı azalması ve kıkırdak erimesi;
Özellikle yaşlanma sürecinin beraberinde getirdiği dizde, kıkırdaklar
arasında bulunan sıvıda meydana gelen kayıplar, yaş ilerledikçe eğer önlemi alınmadığı taktirde giderek fazlalaşan ağrılar ve hareketlerimizin kısıtlanması olarak hayatımıza yansıyor.
Gerek kıkırdak erimesi sorunuyla karşı karşıya kalıyo olun gereksede eklemler arası sıvı azlığından kaynaklı sıkıntılar çekiyo olun bu sıkıntılarınızı en aza indirmek ve hatta ortadan kaldırmak için kullanılacak bazı beslenme destekleri bulunmaktadır.

Glucosamin ,chondroitin,msm ve hyaluronic asit maddelerini içeren bu destekler düzenli bir kullanım yapıldığında(yaklaşık 3 ay kadar) eklemlerdeki o sertlik duygusunun yavaş yavaş geçtiğini ağrılarınızdan kaynaklı şikayetlerinizin azaldığını ve hareketlerinizin daha esnek ve kolaylaştığını farkedeceksiniz.


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Improve Your Fitness Using Weight Machines

You can improve your fitness level by beginning a weight training program using weight machines. Weight machines offer a good way to target a narrow range of muscles, track how much resistance you are creating for each group of muscles, and for many exerciser's, it does feel good to "pump iron". Weight training will improve your fitness level and is important for building muscle mass, of course, but weight training also helps you strengthen your bones, so if you are in a risk group for osteoporosis, it's doubly important for you to add resistance to your workouts, and weight machines are a safe way to start a weight training program.

Your gym's fitness trainers are your first resource in learning to use weight machines. If your gym membership comes with a personal fitness training session, use it to learn proper form. Even if you need to pay for the session, the injuries and overuse of muscles you will avoid is well worth it. If you haven't signed up for a formal session, some fitness trainers may be willing to get you started on one machine or two. Just don't expect them to provide a full fitness training session that you haven't signed up for.

If there's a machine you have your eye on trying at your gym, but you can't get anyone to show you how to use it in person, note the name of the machine- they often have signs listing the name and proper use of the machine. Then look for online videos showing fitness trainers demonstrating how to use the weight machine- several fitness trainers have short instructional videos you can watch. Look at several videos- the different camera angles may help you get a better idea, and if one trainer has bad form, the others will be able to show the contrast between good and bad form.

Weight machines also have signs with illustrated instructions showing you how to use the machine. Some are better than others, but most are enough to help you get the hang of it. Don't attempt to lift the maximum weight you can manage on a machine you're unfamiliar with, especially if you only have those signs to go by. While the illustrations can give you a basic idea of what the move is supposed to look like, any errors in form will be compounded by the strain you are putting on your muscles.

Using weight machines will be even more enjoyable if you warm up your muscles first, focus on large muscle groups, followed by smaller muscles, then a cool down. For those who aren't experienced with weight machines, they can seem a bit intimidating, but once you get to know them, they aren't any more challenging to work than a treadmill.

Paul is a fitness enthusiast who has worked as a Personal Trainer and a Physical Education Teacher. He earned a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology from California State University of Fullerton, and a Physical Education Teaching Credential as well. He also earned a National Certification as a Performance Enhancement Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and is a Certified Personal Trainer. He started which focuses on all aspects of fitness, and motivation and is the founder of Workd Fitness Bootcamp. Paul has a passion for helping others achieve their goals and is ready to help you with yours as well.

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Five Ways to Make Fitness Fun

ByMich Ching

Going to the gym can become a chore and boring at times, especially if you've been doing it for quite some time. Well, most of the time it does become a chore because you don't find it fun and interesting anymore. Fortunately, there are ways to break past this phase. Let me share to you some tips on how to get out of your workout rut and make fitness more fun.

1. Don't limit yourself to the gym. Variety is the most important element of any successful fitness routine. Don't just settle with the usual exercise equipment at the gym. Don't just use the treadmill, stationary bike or the elliptical machine. Give yourself some more exciting options. Buy a jump rope, speed down the street using rollerblades, play frisbee, learn a new sport or martial art like Muay Thai. Be creative. Dance while cleaning the house, shake your booty while washing the dishes. The possibilities are endless. Trust me, you'll burn lots of calories without even knowing it.

2. Workout outdoors. Working out doesn't necessarily mean slaving over an exercise machine. Exercise is all about staying active and the great outdoors offer a lot of options for you to stay on your feet. Outdoor activities such as swimming, mountain biking, skiing or even walking the dog can help burn lots of calories. These outdoor activity options definitely have something for everyone. If you're the adventurous type, you can go water rafting and skiing. If you're the mellow type you can jog around the park or walk your dog.

3. Exercise with a friend. Working out with your friends adds enjoyment to your workout. When you work out with your friends, you tend to chat a lot so you don't really realize that you're burning calories while you're chatting away.

4. Set your fitness goal. When starting or maintaining a workout, you always have to be motivated to achieve a certain goal. Whether you want to fit into your favorite jeans, drop down a dress size, or have abs like Jennifer Lopez, chasing that goal is the best way to keep you moving and motivated.

5. Shop for new workout gear once in a while. New workout clothes can make you feel perky and cute. Even if your main purpose is to show off your new Stella McCartney workout clothes or your new LeBron trainers, the bottomline is it still makes you want to workout. No matter what your reasons are, you still get motivated to work out.

Heart Start Fitness offers personal Muay Thai training and basic womens self defence for all ages. Build your self confidence, learn new skills and have fun while getting fit at Heart Start Fitness.

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I See DC

I have been lucky enough to have been to DC a few times. My grandmother lives in Baltimore and my Uncle lives in Virginia; both are less than an hour away from the city. So this trip was nice and relaxed; I didn't feel pressured to see all of the Smithsonian Museums in one day (by the way: NOT possible); I didn't run around like a chicken trying to make sure I went to the Changing of The Guards at Arlington Cemetery and the White House and all the other Federal Buildings. There weren't really very many cherry blossoms, so I didn't even feel pressured to get the perfect photo from the perfect angle. And, like I said, I was there by myself. So I did what I wanted.

I just strolled. And by strolled I meant walked really fast, because that is the only way I walk, much to the annoyance of people like my boyfriend who always asks why I am in "such a hurry". I just strolled, and even ran a little. Here is a quick recap.


On Saturday, I arrived in the afternoon and went to pick up my packet for the race (see B). Then I walked over to the Mall (C/D). From there I walked past the Washington Monument (F), where there was a kite flying free for all! I walked to the Lincoln Memorial (H) via the WWII Memorial (G) and the Korean War Memorial (I). Unfortunately, the reflecting pool was closed. It seems like they may have done this sometime NOT during the 100 Year Anniversary of the Cherry Blossom Festival, but whatever.

After that, I went to the Tidal Basin (J) to see if there were any blossoms. There weren't. But I got to see the new MLK Memorial (K) which was neat. Then I went back to the hotel to get ready for the next day's race!

Day 1 walking route: 7 miles
Tidal Basin
WWII memorial
I love photos of people taking photos.
Reflecting pool = closed
Lovely kite flying day!
Random DC

The race. And then I went over to Arlington, where I stayed the night. From my hotel, I walked to lunch and then to Georgetown, where I found my new house. Or a few of them. Once I make billions of dollars, that is. It was so crowded there. In hindsight, I should have waited until Monday, because this speedwalker was quite annoyed by the slow, looky loo walkers who stop in the middle of the sidewalk to talk on their phones while walking their dogs. I did escape to the less crowded streets, which were beautiful.

In the evening, I met up with the aforementioned Uncle for a stroll around Old Town Alexandria and dinner at the Fish Market

My new house, thank you very much. (Georgetown)

First I went for a gorgeous run (my 10k for the Jelly Bean) along the Potomac on the Mt Vernon trail. The trail runs along the river directly opposite the Mall, so the entire run I got a view of the monuments! Also, it was a nice sunny, although super windy day and there were tons of people on the trail with me.

My ingenious plan was to go to the Museum of Natural History (my favorite!) on Monday, since it would not be as busy as the weekend. I was wrong. It must have been field trip time, because it was PACKED. I did a quick skim of the Africa room, the ocean room and the dinosaurs and then headed to the Museum of American History. It was equally as crowded. Bummer. I couldn't handle it. If I hadn't been there before I would have stuck it out, but I have, so I left. I went via the Mall so I could take a few photos of the Capitol building (and maybe I "accidentally" caught this runner in the photo. Oops)

I went back to my hotel and went to bed early because I had to get up at 4 am the next day to catch my flight home! That sure made for a tired lady when I got back home (12 pm PDT + getting up at 4 in the morning EDT = confusion and fatigue).

Mt Vernon Trail
Half Naked Guy Running Capitol Building / Mall

 What is your favorite museum to go to? Do you do a lot of walking when you travel? Do early morning flights (and time changes) wear you out?