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Different Ways on How to Improve the Effectiveness of Your Workout

ByMich Ching

No one wants to spend long hours at the gym but I'm pretty sure that most of us, if not all, want to get fitter, sexier and stronger in as little time as possible. If you're spending too much time at the gym and yet you are still not getting the results that you're aiming for, then you might not be getting the most out of your workout time. Chances are you're working too hard on reaching your goal but you're not maximizing your workout time. You can actually double or even triple the effectiveness of your workouts even if you're not working out everyday. Let me share to you some ways on how you can improve the effectiveness of your workouts. Here are some of them.

1. Don't over exercise. There is definitely no doubt that regular exercise is important for you to be healthy and fit. However, excessive exercise could be very bad for you. It is harmful for your body as this causes your cells to release the dangerous by product of free radicals into your blood stream. It is very important to limit your workout length. Experts say not to go beyond 40 minutes in a workout session. You won't get as much benefits from exercising more than 40 minutes a day anyway.

2. Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. When you're just starting out, it is best to start with a low intensity workout. But as you improve your endurance, you should also improve the intensity of your workout. This way, you'll see better results and this will definitely help avoid hitting fitness plateaus.

3. Switch up your exercise routine from time to time. Adding variety to your workouts will keep it from becoming ineffective. If you do the same workout everyday, your body will eventually hit a plateau so it's good to mix it up every now and then to get maximum results.

4. Eat carbs before working out. Most of us have developed an aversion to carbs as it can make you gain weight. That is true, but remember that carbs serve as our main source of energy. If you want to do workouts that are more effective then you'll need carbs. However, this doesn't mean piling up on sugar though. Go for healthy carb sources such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

5. Stay hydrated. It is very important to hydrate your body throughout the day, not only before or during or after working out.

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8 Ways to Improve Your Flexibility

To get the most benefit from your workout regimen, you have to improve your flexibility. The greater your flexibility, the more effective your workouts will be and the more you will improve your physical health.

Following are eight tips that will assist you with ways to increase your flexibility.

It would be more beneficial if you are able to do some deep breathing techniques when you stretch. A major part of getting fit requires the increase of oxygen in your body. Breathing deeply can help with that and it will most certainly help to get your body into better shape. As soon as your shape improves, your flexibility will increase.

Before stretching, it would be a good idea for you to do some warming up exercises. Stretching too soon could lead to pulling a muscle, which would be the last thing that you would wish to do. It is important to warm your body up, which prepares it for the stretching that you are subjecting your body to. This will lessen your chances of tearing a ligament or pulling a muscle.

When you reach a good position, you should make sure to hold it for at least 15 seconds. It will become easier for your body to be more flexible if you hold onto your positions for a longer period of time. Start off with 15 seconds, then gradually increase this over time.

Ensure that your body is completely relaxed before you start to stretch, as that is when stretching is the most effective. The exercises you do will not be as effective if you are all tensed up when you stretch.

You should not anticipate any flexibility improvement if you are not prepared to put in the effort to work on it. Stretching at least once a day will make things much easier for you. You will need to start over again if you skip days, as this causes your body to tense back up.

When you are doing your stretches, it is very important to ensure that your body is aligned correctly. You can cause injury to yourself if you fail to do so. You will always want to ensure that your body is aligned - even after becoming more flexible.

Lengthening of your muscles is what causes your body to become more flexible. Having said that, ensure that you work on this gradually and don't rush into anything. If you try to do things too fast, they could end up being counter-productive.

Although you may feel that you only need to stretch in certain parts, ensure that you stretch your entire body so that it all becomes more flexible. It is important to get everything even, so ensure that you work out your entire body rather than just parts of it.

If you are not flexible, it is extremely difficult to do some exercises the proper way. This can result in you not obtaining the affects you are looking for from your workouts. You will be amazed at how possible it is for you to be more flexible if you use the above tips.

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Improve Your Fitness Using Weight Machines

You can improve your fitness level by beginning a weight training program using weight machines. Weight machines offer a good way to target a narrow range of muscles, track how much resistance you are creating for each group of muscles, and for many exerciser's, it does feel good to "pump iron". Weight training will improve your fitness level and is important for building muscle mass, of course, but weight training also helps you strengthen your bones, so if you are in a risk group for osteoporosis, it's doubly important for you to add resistance to your workouts, and weight machines are a safe way to start a weight training program.

Your gym's fitness trainers are your first resource in learning to use weight machines. If your gym membership comes with a personal fitness training session, use it to learn proper form. Even if you need to pay for the session, the injuries and overuse of muscles you will avoid is well worth it. If you haven't signed up for a formal session, some fitness trainers may be willing to get you started on one machine or two. Just don't expect them to provide a full fitness training session that you haven't signed up for.

If there's a machine you have your eye on trying at your gym, but you can't get anyone to show you how to use it in person, note the name of the machine- they often have signs listing the name and proper use of the machine. Then look for online videos showing fitness trainers demonstrating how to use the weight machine- several fitness trainers have short instructional videos you can watch. Look at several videos- the different camera angles may help you get a better idea, and if one trainer has bad form, the others will be able to show the contrast between good and bad form.

Weight machines also have signs with illustrated instructions showing you how to use the machine. Some are better than others, but most are enough to help you get the hang of it. Don't attempt to lift the maximum weight you can manage on a machine you're unfamiliar with, especially if you only have those signs to go by. While the illustrations can give you a basic idea of what the move is supposed to look like, any errors in form will be compounded by the strain you are putting on your muscles.

Using weight machines will be even more enjoyable if you warm up your muscles first, focus on large muscle groups, followed by smaller muscles, then a cool down. For those who aren't experienced with weight machines, they can seem a bit intimidating, but once you get to know them, they aren't any more challenging to work than a treadmill.

Paul is a fitness enthusiast who has worked as a Personal Trainer and a Physical Education Teacher. He earned a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology from California State University of Fullerton, and a Physical Education Teaching Credential as well. He also earned a National Certification as a Performance Enhancement Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and is a Certified Personal Trainer. He started which focuses on all aspects of fitness, and motivation and is the founder of Workd Fitness Bootcamp. Paul has a passion for helping others achieve their goals and is ready to help you with yours as well.

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