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Washington DC etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Washington DC etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Marine Corps Marathon

**This is the perfect day for this recap! Happy Veterans Day! Now, onto the MCM recap.... Since the Boston Marathon, I have neither run nor trained for a road race. I spent a lot of time training for trail races, which means lots of time on my feet and many miles, but none of them were run at a...


Before moving to New York City, I worked for a month in the fastest-growing neighborhood in the nation's capital. NoMa (North of Massachusetts) is like a rapidly rising city-within-a-city. There are gleaming new office buildings under construction, stylish residential units, hotels, restaurants and...

Washington, D.C. Japanese Street Festival

The 52nd annual Sakura Matsuri Japanese Street Festival took place on April 14th along Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. The nation's largest Japanese Street Festival also celebrated the 100th anniversary of the gift of the cherry trees and the climax of the National Cherry Blossom Festival....

Cherry Blossom 10 Mile: Race Recap

I got up at 6, ate breakfast and headed down to the race start, which was about one mile from my hotel. I was going to wear shorts, but it was about 45 degrees and a little windy outside, so at the last minute I opted for pants. I wore my iFitness belt, which has a bib holder, and my Chica Band in Zebra....

I See DC

I have been lucky enough to have been to DC a few times. My grandmother lives in Baltimore and my Uncle lives in Virginia; both are less than an hour away from the city. So this trip was nice and relaxed; I didn't feel pressured to see all of the Smithsonian Museums in one day (by the way: NOT possible);...

WIAW (3) & Stone Soup

Do you remember the book Stone Soup? If you haven't read it, the premise is that a bunch of travelers, who have only a large pot, arrive in a village and ask for food. The villagers state that they do not have any to spare. However, as time goes by, each villager adds their small item (veggies, spices,...

On Traveling Alone

This weekend I traveled to DC alone, because I wanted to go to DC and run the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile race. So I did. I often travel alone. It's not that my friends don't want to travel, or to come with me, or to support me. They just don't have time, or the money. That's okay though. I realized some...

Cherry Blossom: Pros and Cons

Yesterday I ran the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile race in Washington DC. I have been lucky enough to have been to DC several times before, so I did not feel pressured to go and see all the sights or stand in really long lines to get into the museums (the line for the Natural History was all the way down the...

Photos: Remembering 9/11 and Victims of Terrorism

Since September 11, 2001 I've had the opportunity to visit New York City numerous times and have always made it a point to walk around Ground Zero to check on the progress in rebuilding the site of so much suffering and pain, but also so much hope and optimism that America can rebuild from the ashes....