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Five Ways to Make Fitness Fun

ByMich Ching

Going to the gym can become a chore and boring at times, especially if you've been doing it for quite some time. Well, most of the time it does become a chore because you don't find it fun and interesting anymore. Fortunately, there are ways to break past this phase. Let me share to you some tips on how to get out of your workout rut and make fitness more fun.

1. Don't limit yourself to the gym. Variety is the most important element of any successful fitness routine. Don't just settle with the usual exercise equipment at the gym. Don't just use the treadmill, stationary bike or the elliptical machine. Give yourself some more exciting options. Buy a jump rope, speed down the street using rollerblades, play frisbee, learn a new sport or martial art like Muay Thai. Be creative. Dance while cleaning the house, shake your booty while washing the dishes. The possibilities are endless. Trust me, you'll burn lots of calories without even knowing it.

2. Workout outdoors. Working out doesn't necessarily mean slaving over an exercise machine. Exercise is all about staying active and the great outdoors offer a lot of options for you to stay on your feet. Outdoor activities such as swimming, mountain biking, skiing or even walking the dog can help burn lots of calories. These outdoor activity options definitely have something for everyone. If you're the adventurous type, you can go water rafting and skiing. If you're the mellow type you can jog around the park or walk your dog.

3. Exercise with a friend. Working out with your friends adds enjoyment to your workout. When you work out with your friends, you tend to chat a lot so you don't really realize that you're burning calories while you're chatting away.

4. Set your fitness goal. When starting or maintaining a workout, you always have to be motivated to achieve a certain goal. Whether you want to fit into your favorite jeans, drop down a dress size, or have abs like Jennifer Lopez, chasing that goal is the best way to keep you moving and motivated.

5. Shop for new workout gear once in a while. New workout clothes can make you feel perky and cute. Even if your main purpose is to show off your new Stella McCartney workout clothes or your new LeBron trainers, the bottomline is it still makes you want to workout. No matter what your reasons are, you still get motivated to work out.

Heart Start Fitness offers personal Muay Thai training and basic womens self defence for all ages. Build your self confidence, learn new skills and have fun while getting fit at Heart Start Fitness.

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