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Road Trip etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Road Trip etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Wind River Range -- Part Three -- Trip Report

I was talking to my friend Dr. G the other day and he reminded me that I had somehow lost the plot when blogging about our Wind River High Route trip in 2017 and I never finished part three (and the most important part) of my three part series, the trip report! Since I actually had it in my drafts unedited...

Rim to Rim to Rim

On day three of our road trip we got up and had a white trash picnic in the parking lot of the hotel (homemade sandwiches out of the U-haul), which reminded me of my childhood, when we used to take the motor home on road trips and I was SO embarrassed that we had to make and eat our own food. Now I...

On The Road Again

I have only three words to explain last week: What A Week!First, work has been slammed lately. Add to that the fact that I took Wednesday - Friday off last week for a road trip to Vegas and the Grand Canyon, and it makes for a very busy Monday and Tuesday. Add to that two different meetings on Monday,...

It's a Small World After All

Thanks to MLK, I had an extra day to play around with this weekend. It was going to be a road trip with a couple of friends, but when they both flaked out, I decided to just go on my own.I actually like (and even love) traveling on my own. If I want to stop for a three hour run that may become a 1 hour...

America's Got Talent - The Live Show! + The Week!

Since I am a rebel, I feel like celebrating two of my favorite Friday link up's early. You know the ones where we write 5 things about our week - 5 on Friday and H54F. It has been a great week!Monday, I worked until noon. When I got off of work, I rushed home to get glam then Marquis and I took the...

Road Trip: Day Five (aka Last Day)

Oh the last day of a road trip! You just want to get to your destination, so you don't stop to take photos or go to the Wizard of Oz museum because it is 30 miles off the highway and you don't want to spend another half an hour on the road.Today's trip: Salina, KS to Des Moines, IAHave you ever taken...

Road Trip: Day Four

Country music is funny. Today on the radio, since I could not get any other stations, I listened to these songs:1. All I Want for Christmas is a Real Good Tan2. Pretty Good at Drinking BeerAfter that I turned it off. I don't mind country, if there is nothing else, and I will definitely pick it over...

Road Trip: Day Three

I have flown through Denver dozens of times and once had to spend the night due to a flight delay. However, I have never really BEEN to Denver (or Colorado in general!) So finally I made it. For real. I had a meal downtown and walked around the 16th street mall. So, now what do I have to say about Colorado?1....