Today I am participating in with Karen at A Peek at Karen's World Almost exactly three years ago I was in Bolivia traveling and doing volunteerwork. Here is a normal "day in the life" at that time. You can read more about my travels in Bolivia HERE. Well, we are now in Cochabamba and...
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Bolivia etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Bolivia etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Huelgas, Desfiles y Fiestas!!
By Rohat Fatih at 08:47
2008, Bolivia, Elections, Protests, South America, transportation, Travel
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The election is in 3 days. Actually it is not an election, it is a referendum. What happens is this... Everyone goes and votes whether they want to keep Evo or not. If so, he remains President. He has been President for 3 years...normally a term is for 5. If they vote no, he gets impeached and they have to vote for a new President. Supposedly, out of the 9 departments (states), only 3 are for Evo...
Mi Patria Bolivia
Tomorrow is the Dia de Independencia of Bolivia and the flags are flying! They have been practicing their drums and batons for the last couple weeks and today they finally got a chance to show their stuff. This week has been very interesting, to say the least. Not only is it Independence Day tomorrow,...
Honk If You Are Bolivian!
I almost got hit by a car the other day. It is becuase the people here drive like they are the only ones on the road. It is funny sometimes, the complete lack of rules or maybe just disregard of the rules, but sometimes there are some close calls. They just honk when they are about to hit you, so at...
Hoy Es Un Dia Normal
By Rohat Fatih at 18:33
2008, Bolivia, Cochabamba, Recap, South America, Travel, Volunteering
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Well, we are now in Cochabamba and have been here for about a week. We are settling into our routine...Here it is, for your reading enjoyment.-8:00 get up-Have breakfast, watch my favorite show on Discovery Kids (in Spanish, its about what I can understand), Charlie y Lola-Walk to class (about 20 minutes,...
16 Tons And What Do You Get?
Today, we are in Potosi, the highest city in the world. It sits at roughly 4100 M (about 13,500 ft) which is only 1000 feet less than Mt. Whitney, the continental US´ highest mountain. We arrived last night and decided to walk to the center of town to get some dinner. The hill we walked up was not too...
Bouncy, Bouncy
By Rohat Fatih at 11:24
2008, Bolivia, Horseback Riding, Injuries, South America, Travel, Tupiza
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After crossing the border from Argentina back into Bolivia, we took the bus to Tupiza, which is supposed to be a kind of Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid kind of place. After getting in late and getting over charged for a room, we kind of had a bad attitude towards the place, but the next day we booked a horse riding tour and our attitude changed.I have only ridden a horse maybe a half a dozen times,...
I Am SO High!!
We just came back from a wonderful time in the salt flats of Bolivia. We started in the town of Uyuni, which is kind of a dirty little city and is mostly used as a base for the salt flat tours. Uyuni was FREEZING!!! We only stayed one night there and then took off the next morning for our tour of the...
Sucre - So Sweet
We made it to Sucre, but it took a while to get here! From the town we were in before, Semaipata, we caught a bus...which was supposed to pick us up at 7, but arrived at 8:40 pm instead. We got on and got comfy. About 10 minutes later, the bus stopped for dinner. As we had just gotten on, I stayed on...
By Rohat Fatih at 10:23
2008, Bolivia, Brazil, Death Train, Pantanal, South America, transportation, Travel
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Tuiui (source)We just got out of the Pantanal, where we spent 4 days. We had a great time - we went horseback riding, fishing for piranha, cayman hunting, and on an all day safari. We saw lots of birds, including blue macaw and toucans and a huge giant stork, called in Portuguese "tuiuiu", which is...