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africa etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
africa etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

African History and Legal History

 [We have the following announcement on an online event, sponsored by the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History.  DRE]On November 5th, the "Global Legal History on the Ground" project will host an online event on court cases in the writing of African History and Legal History.Time:...

Lake Nakuru in Kenya Africa

Situated in the heart of the Great Rift Valley 160 kilometers northwest of Nairobi, Lake Nakuru is a bird watcher's paradise. A unique game-viewing venue and a notable spot for the Rothschild giraffe and home to the black and white rhinos. The lake is world-famous as the location of the “greatest bird...

Lake Malawi

Lake Malawi is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Malawi because this is one of the most well-preserved and awe-inspiring lakes in the world. This beautiful, fresh water lake is the third largest lake in Africa and second in depth, while also being the eighth largest lake in the world....

Malawi - One of Africa's Beautiful Countries

Malawi is a landlocked country and used to be known as Nyasaland. The country is bordered by Zambia to the northwest, Tanzania to the northeast and Mozambique on the east, south and west. It has a population of around 14million people and covers an area of 118,00km2. It's separated from Tanzania...

Information About Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa at 5,895 meters / 19,341 ft above the sea level. It has three volcanic cones - Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira and is an inactive stratovolcano in north-eastern Tanzaina. Mount Kilimanjaro is at the same time the highest freestanding mountain as well as the 4th...

These are Africa Photos

Today we leave Africa. We got rid of the tent that S and R gave us -- pay it forward; it is the traveler's way. We are headed to India to start a new adventure. You can find some photos of our adventures in South Africa HERE. Enj...

Hiking and Cranky Hostel Owners

We went to the Drakensburg Mountains in South Africa, which are known for their hiking. We had a couple ideas of what we wanted to do, and we looked up the hostels in our guide book and settled on one that said was "closest to the Amphitheater", which is a place we wanted to hike. We arrived in the...

South Africa Rules (and Lists)

Some words you may hear that are a little weird:1. Lekker - this means "cool"2. Izzit (Is it?) - this doesn't really mean Is It, it kind of means "oh really?", so if you say, "today I am flying to India." they will say, "izzit?"3. Howzit (how is it) - the same as above, this doesn't always mean "how...

On Top of The Table

We hiked Table Mountain yesterday. It was gorgeous. Luckily, we decided to do it yesterday instead of the day before, as it rained the day before, but was absolutely gorgeous yesterday. It took us about 2 hours to get to the top, which is about 3000 feet up. It was a hard slog, as it is all stone steps...

Free at Last. Hallelujah!

So, we have been camping for the or 3 weeks. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind camping. In fact, I don't mind it at all. However, after camping for 3 weeks, sleeping on the ground, freezing, waking up at 445 am because the neighbors are going fishing, cooking top ramen every day for dinner and...


We went on a safari to Etosha National Park in Namibia and we saw so many animals! It is cool there because you can drive yourself and there are tons of watering holes so you can drive around and see animals then sit at the watering holes and see more animals. We even stayed the night in the park and...

Comb The Desert!

We ain't found shit!! Sorry, I had to put a Spaceballs reference in this. We rented a car and our first stop was the Namib-Naukluft National Park, which is a dune park near Sossusvlei, Namibia. It was awesome. Supposedly, as you can read on the link above, these are the world's oldest dunes, and sometimes...

Hell Week

So what has happened to us, you ask?! Well.....You last left us in Malawi. Big K was doing his diving certification and I was chillin with S and R who were good fun, reading and relaxing at the lakeshore. From there, we had hell day. Wait, it was hell week! From there, which was Nkata Bay, we had...

The Gods (and Lists) Must Be Crazy

I thought of more things that I have found out about while in Africa: - Rats. Fried. On a skewer. : YUM-It is okay to throw rocks at your neighbor's goat. -It is also okay to throw trash/food/etc out the window of your bus/on the ground/in a hole in the ground. There is trash EVERYWHERE. (except Namibia... it is cleaner)-There is a lot of skirt on skirt action. The women wear a skirt and then...

This is Africa (T.I.A.)

10 things that you see and you have to say, "THIS is Africa":1. Boobs. Yes, boobs. Many of them. Apparently it is okay to nurse your child, then leave your one boob hanging around afterwards. Literally "hanging", swinging loose in the breeze.2. Obamas - Not the POTUS, but a little cake like donut made of bread and fried and sold on the streets of most Malawian towns. When your bus stops, the kids...

The Walmart of Africa

I was talking to a guy the other day about traveling in Africa. He talked about Malawi, which he said was "the walmart of Africa". I made a comment about why this was, maybe because they greet everyone in a friendly manner at the door? I later learned he had said, "the Warm Heart of Africa".We are now in Malawi, and the people ARE very friendly. However, it is interesting finally being in Africa....