Bayram Cigerli Blog

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soccer etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
soccer etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Summer 2011: Barcelona, Spain

July 23-27, 2011 -- Barcelona was the sixth and final city in Europe I visited by train before flying to Israel for a month.The capital of Catalonia is a fiercely independent, vibrant, progressive place with loads of history. Barcelonians love their Barca football club, tasty tapas and pinchos, biking...

River Plate Game!

This was absolutely crazy! We went to the River vs Arsenal game on Sunday and a huge fight broke out in the stands! Luckily it was not near where we were sitting, but it was quite a sig...

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Haha, just when you think you are organized....We had a very interesting Sunday last weekend. First, let me explain a little something. I want to go to a futbol (soccer) game. So, I asked about the schedule while we were at the Sheraton and the concierge told me that River and Boca both played on Sunday, River at 5, Boca at 7. In Buenos Aires. Both stadiums are easy to get to, and he had said that...