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A Gloomy but Lovely Weekend Recap

When I first started my blog last summer, my biggest reason was because I wanted a "scrapbook" of my life -- written memories and pictures. I really enjoy looking back; seeing how I and my life has changed. I know a lot of people do not like recapping their weekends because they may not be eventful - I understand that. However, I want to record it all; even the most mundane of days... and I have to say, this weekend was definitely one of those, but I really, really enjoyed it. Ha!

Friday consisted of work as normal, then the gym. I weigh on Friday mornings and I lost 2 pounds for the week! My total loss since November 25th is now at 62 pounds. Yay! I was pumped about my loss this week, but I was feeling really sore from my long run on Thursday, so cardio at the gym was tough. I pushed through 45 minutes on the Elliptical, backsquats, and an upper body weight circuit. 

After the gym, I went to local restaurant and met one of my old friends for a drink. He is moving to Charlotte in a few weeks and had some questions about the area. I feel like a Charlotte veteran now that I have been here 4 1/2 years. I only had one drink because I was sweaty and tired. I went grocery shopping after then I arrived home, I was down for the count.

Saturday morning, I had hiking on my agenda. It is becoming frustrating to plan hikes right now because the weather is so crazy; rain in the forecast constantly. It rained on and off most of the day and it was super gloomy. However, I was not mad about it because I was still really sore. I felt fatigued all day. 

I decide to go see "Sex Tape". I love Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel so I was excited to see this. In my opinion, it did not disappoint at all! Cameron and Jason had amazing chemistry. I literally laughed the entire time. I am not huge on comedy's, but this movie was just as good as "We're The Millers". 

Once I finished at the movies, I came home to shower and get ready. Then I was off to church. I was elated to go because it was the start of our 5 part series #DeathToSelfie. Yes, I know -- I am in big trouble! Ha! It is not what you think though; it's the story of Jacob and Esau in Genesis. The service was incredible. My favorite words from the sermon: God cannot bless your mask. God cannot bless who you pretend to be. 

I usually attend church on Sunday evenings, but because I had a hike planned for today, I decided to go last night. When I got there, I could not believe how crowded it was. I was worried that I would not be able to get a seat in the auditorium and would have to go to an overflow room. I did not want to do that because I truly wanted to feel this message. I said a quick prayer when I was in line, and then when I walked into the auditorium and a staff member came up to seat me, he placed me in the THIRD row. How awesome is that! On top of that, the girl he sat me beside knew me from Facebook and my blog! That is the fourth time this year that has happened and it makes my heart smile. Her name is Brooke. She is also a Beachbody coach. I had an amazing time sitting with her and I think we are going to have a great friendship. (Hi Brooke!)

Once church was over, my girlfriend Alexis and her husband Daniel, and I went to "The Melting Pot" for Queen Feast-- which is Charlotte's Restaurant Week. We enjoyed a lovely 4-course meal. I thought someone was going to have to wheel me out of there when we finished, I was stuffed. I ordered a "Zen Master" cocktail, made with cucumber vodka of course, and it was superb. For our dessert, we ordered creme brulee as our fondue and there are just no words... food porn at it's finest.

I checked the weather forecast before I went to sleep last night, and the weather was going to be worse than it was Saturday, so I decided to once again ax my hiking plan, and sleep in. This morning I slept in until almost 10, which was heavenly. When I woke up, I ate a quick breakfast, then cleaned the apartment and did laundry. Once I finished, I decided to take a break and watch "My Best Friend's Wedding". Can you believe I have never seen that movie? I know, I know. What is wrong with me?! I am not really a fan of romantic comedy's and I was only 8 when the movie came out, so that is probably why I never saw it before today. I really liked it, but I wanted it to end differently. My take? Thank goodness for gay best friends, ha.

After the movie, I ran by Old Navy for a new pair of workout pants since I had to give a few pairs of mine away -- they were getting too big. Yay! I scored a cute new pair, then I went to the gym. I felt rejuvenated and strong so I had a great workout. I finished soaked in sweat, just how I like it.
Now I am off to conjure something for dinner, watch True Blood, then get to bed. I have a long 4 days coming up at work. I will be attending a lot of meetings, dinners, and working long hours.

Write about your weekend and link up with great blogs here!  

Try Quest Protein Bars!

2014 is going to rock, baby!

Happy New Year to all of my amazing blogging babes! Did you guys ring in the new year doing anything fun? What are your resolutions? Me... I don't have one. Ha!
Image Map

I was off new year's eve so my little vacation started Monday at 5 PM. Since I took a rest day from the gym on Sunday due to feeling like pure crap, I was ready to work, and work hard. It was not a weights day so I did an hour of 20 minutes of mixed cardio and burned a ton of calories. It was awesome! I love to sweat out those toxins.

After the gym I was dead. It was a killer work out, but it took all of me. I spent the evening cleaning and resting at home.

Tuesday morning I woke up early to go see the doctor for my B12 injection. They weighed me. I lost exactly 5 pounds the week of Christmas! Holy crap - 5 pounds?! I was shocked! That means since November 25th, I have lost 20.6 pounds! I felt like a million bucks. 

After leaving my appointment, you would think I felt on top of the world, but I didn't. I still felt like I was sick. I guess pushing too hard the night before was not the best idea, but I don't regret. I picked up more cold medicine then went back to my apartment to rest until my mom arrived.

She came down around noon and is spending the week with me. She brought me a Wii and a Kindle Fire. I am stoked! I get my family's hand-me-down electronics so it was great to get them and for free!

We took our time getting ready and glamorous while listening to fun music and then pre-gammed... with some Powerade Zero! Ha!

I'm ready, baby!

My gorgeous mother... rocking it at 50!

She is also my best friend.

She said; "let's take a selfie where you look one way and I look the other", ha!


We went to our favorite restaurant "The Melting Pot" to ring in 2014. They had a special menu for the night and it was an astonishing 5 course meal.

The first course was a fiesta cheese fondue with bread and vegetables. It was out of this world delicious.

Our second course was a salad. There were four choices to choose from and I chose the "Spinach and mushroom salad". Again, it was delicious!

The third course was a cute tiny dish of Sorbet. I was confused of why we would have this served before the main entree, the meat, and evidently this type of Sorbet increases your appetite for the main course. Who knew! I enjoyed it, but my mom absolutely loved this.

The meat portion was incredible. Steak, chicken, pork tenderloin, mushrooms, broccoli, and tiny pasta bites filled with Gorgonzola cheese. Everything was extremely high quality, fresh, and delicious. 

The meat cooking in the oil

The last part of the meal was the absolute best part - the chocolate. We had the white chocolate and caramel brulee. It was topped with cinnamon and sugar crystals. I literally have no words for this... it was that amazing!

Before we left, we were given a free champagne toast.


Except I only drank a sip of mine because I was having major heartburn at this point.

When we finally left dinner, we decided to go to WalMart to walk off some of the fondue. It was still a little early to hit a bar, so we thought we would walk around and do some shopping.

We decided to ring in the new year at a bar that is literally in the same part of my apartment complex. We went in there around 11 PM so we could have a drink for midnight, but it was so dead. It was not fun looking or hype, and it usually is! 

I was full, tired, bloated, and over it. I told mom we should just go back to my place and ring in the new year. It's so funny because she was disappointed, she was ready to party!

I spent the rest of the night playing on my new Wii!

We finally went to bed at 1:30 AM. And we did not get up until 12:15 PM today. I don't know what in the world happened, maybe it is my blackout curtains?! I never ever sleep that late and neither of us really drank. I suppose we were just in a food coma.

I finally made myself go to the gym for 40 minutes of cardio and an upper body weight circuit. I think I am finally back to myself now to where I can workout without having to take all of the "rest days". I had the song "Work" on repeat today during my training - I decided that is my anthem for this year!

After the gym I went back to my apartment to scoop up Mama and we went to McAlisters. I had my favorite salad; the Savannah chopped salad (OMG, yum!) and mom had this "loaded spud"... it looked amazing. Afterwards we went to Target so I could get "Mario Cart" for the Wii.

The first Target was sold out.

Next we went to Game Stop. It was closed.

We then went to ANOTHER Target and victory was finally mine.

Now it's time to get ready for bed because I have to work tomorrow and Friday, which totally sucks after being off the last two days... it just feels wrong to be going back to work! Especially since I slept until noon today. Wish me luck, I hope I am not a zombie tomorrow! 

In celebration of the 1 Year Anniversary of Till Then Smile Often and Wonder What's Next we joined forces to give back. We teamed up with three other amazing bloggers to give away $75 Target or Visa Gift Card (Winner's Choice) to one lucky winner!I am so grateful for what this past year has given me through blogging and the amazing people I have met and talked to through blogging. I look forward to what this next year brings and all the things I hope to share. Good luck!
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