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[03.12.2014] MAMA Basın Toplantısı & Mini Hayran Buluşması & Kırmızı Halı & Ödül Töreni

MAMA 2014

photo cr; press

Üyelerimiz ilk önce MAMA 2014 Basın Toplantısına katıldı. Basın toplantısında liderimiz Rap Monster sorulara İngilizce cevap verdi.

Soru: MAMA'ya katılmak ile ilgili düşünceleriniz neler?

RM: Bu Hong Kong'a ilk gelişimiz. Hong Kong'da birçok kişinin K-Pop'ı çok sevdiğini K-Pop duygu ve enerjisine sahip olduğunu duyduk. Burada olmaktan gurur duyuyoruz. Bu hem Hong Kong'a ilk gelişimiz hem de MAMA'ya ilk katılışımız. Sahneye çıkmak için sabırsızlandığımızı ve burada olmaktan gurur duyduğumuzu söylemek istiyorum.

Soru; Sergileyeceğiniz performanstan bahseder misiniz?

RM: 2014 MAMA için tahmin edilebilir özel bir performans hazırladık. Anlatamam ama çok şaşırtıcı olacak, umarım herkes izler ve beğenir.

MAMA 2014 Basın Toplantısı (BTS cut)

  video cr; Ch. MPD

BANGTAN - Meet And Greet

Hayranlarla yapılan High 5 etkinliğinde hayranlar Jin'in doğum gününü de kutlamış. İzlemek için TIKLAYIN. Videodan ve fotoğraflardan maknae Jungkook'un Meet&Greet'e katılmadığını görüyoruz; fakat sebebiyle ilgili bir açıklama gelmedi.

video cr; Mwave

BANGTAN VCR (MAMA Beginning) & Boy in Luv

MAMA 2014 Kırmızı Halı Geçişi; BTS'in "Acaba MAMA'nın kapılarını BANGTAN açsa nasıl olur?!" sözleriyle ve Rise of BANGTAN şarkısının fon müzik olarak kullanıldığı bir kliple başladı! Ardından üyelerimiz Boy in Luv performansını sergilediler! 

video cr; BTS0613

video cr; Mnet

BLOCK B & BTS - Fight of the Century (Special Stage)

Rap Monster'in RM adlı mixtape'ini sergilediği, J-Hope ve Jimin'in Block B'nin iki üyesiyle dans yarışı havasında sergiledikleri mükemmel dans gösterileri, BANGTAN'ın her zamanki gibi harika Danger performansı ve Block B üyeleriyle sergiledikleri Let's Get It Started performansları~!! *o*

video cr; Mnet 

Soe Taiji - Comeback Home (BTS Jungkook & BLOCK B U-Kwon Cut)

  video cr; BTS0613

Bu ödül töreniyle birlikte üyelerimiz ilk defa MAMA'ya konuk olmuş oldular. Aday oldukları "En iyi erkek grup dansı" ve "Yılın Union Şarkısı" dallarında veya ödül töreninde açıklanan birkaç özel ödülden hiçbirini alamadılar; ama çok büyük bir sahnede çok büyük bir kalabalığın önünde hem kendi şarkılarını sergilediler hem de Block B ile özel bir performans sergilemiş oldular~^^

Hazırlayan; Golden_v

Fall means: Family, Fireball, and Fun!

Friday, work could not end soon enough! I was off a little early, picked up a treat for my mom, and went to my new main gym for cardio, squats, and weights. The good thing about being back at Fitness Connection is the lateral cardio machine; I love that thing! I had to break it in with 30 fast minutes.

When I finished at the gym, I rushed home and was greeted by my mom and her new boyfriend Hutch. They drove down to spend the night with me!

I took and shower and got ready, then we pre-gamed a little at my apartment. My moms newest obsession is Fireball whisky (thanks to me, I created a monster) so she was ready to get the night started with a shot. We then went uptown for dinner, drinks, and a lot of laughs. We had such a great time. Hutch seems crazy about my mom and she the same-- her happiness is all that matters to me. 

We were not out too late Friday night because my body is working hard to fight off a cold. I was tired early. 

We were all up bright and early on Saturday morning and decided to go out to a local restaurant known for delicious, home cooked breakfast. I had buttermilk pancakes and bacon. It tasted just as good as the picture looks! I never ever have breakfast food like that so I savored it. 

After breakfast we came back to my apartment. I packed and mom and Hutch left to explore Charlotte. I then took off to Raleigh to spend the night with my sister and brother in law.

I got to my sisters around 1:30 PM. She made me a fresh fruit and kale smoothie for lunch and we chatted, then we went out and did some shopping. After we finished, we decided to go out for a jog around the lake and trail behind her apartment complex. It was absolutely beautiful and a great way to get the evening started.

After we finished our long jog, it was time to get ready for the evening. We then went downtown to one of my favorite places to have dinner called "Busy Bee Cafe". We were seated on the roof (a must for me) and I had my favorite "Queen Bee"cocktail, and their vegetarian spinach "burger". 

Once we had dinner and a cocktail, all three of us were feeling tired, plus I was feeling my cold starting to take over, so we went back to their apartment. We all cuddled up in the living room and rented "Million Dollar Arm". I lasted 5 minutes before I was knocked out.

When I woke up this morning, I felt awful. I forced myself to get the drive back to Charlotte over with though, so I left my sister's as soon as I got up. I made a pit stop for medicine when I got into town then came  home. I felt bad, but I forced myself to deep clean my apartment instead of rest. My place was a mess and I am the type who cannot rest when there is a mess. Plus if I forced myself to clean, I could get rid of any germs. 

I scrubbed my apartment for about 3 hours: washing sheets, 2 other loads of laundry, dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, and Cloroxing. I took a bath once I finished then planted myself on the couch. Now I feel worse than before, of course, ha, so I am off to take a little more cold medicine and get to bed early. 

I had an absolutely blast this weekend and this cooler weather is more than welcome in my opinion, I just hate the colds than come along with it!

Pre-Birthday Weekend Fun with Mom

Mom and I had a lot of fun planned for the weekend. Unfortunately, her Multiple Sclerosis had other plans. I really, really want to complain and tell you how this disease ruins everything, all of the time, for fun things I want to do with my mom. It has been this way 9 years now. Not to mention seeing someone you love so deeply in constant pain. I am not going to do that though, it will not solve anything, and at the end of the day, I am thankful my mom is alive and was able to drive down and stay. At least she is staying an extra couple of days since she can't drive home right now. Silver lining, right?

We went out Thursday evening and had a good time. I was off Friday so we slept late; until 10 AM. Mom woke up and not feeling well so she took her medicine and spent the day vegging on the couch. I went hiking. It was a beautiful, warm day, but the hike was hard. I felt more tired than usual after the long week. Though it was difficult, I pushed to the top. As always, it was worth it!

When I got back from hiking, I was pretty tired and looking forward to just relaxing. However, mama was itching to get out of the apartment. I had been wanting to buy a new bag/backpack to use for hiking since the one I had was crappy and bounced off my butt a lot when I hiked (which is so annoying) so we went to the mall. I found one I loved and a Marvel one at that. My inner comic nerd was elated so I had to have it.

We then picked up a pizza for dinner and a couple of Redbox movies. "Single Mom's Club"; boring, I stopped watching after 45 minutes, but mom liked it. We did not watch "Jack Ryan", which was the one I really wanted to see.

Saturday, we slept really late. Mom had a tough time throughout the night. We finally were up and moving around noon and I decided to take her across the street to this really delicious breakfast restaurant. One can eat brunch at noon, right? Ha. I was craving pancakes something fierce. We needed to go out to get mom medicine anyway. When we get to the restaurant, I find out it is closed down. My luck, right? That's the thing about Charlotte, or any big city sometimes, it is hard to have a favorite restaurant because so many businesses come and go. Since breakfast is served all day at IHOP, we ended up there. The pancakes were really good, but nothing like the restaurant that was across the street from my apartment. 

From consuming that amount of carbohydrates for breakfast/lunch, I was really tired after; super full and super tired. We picked up mom's medicine then went back to the apartment. I worked on my book for a couple of hours then went to the gym for 40 minutes of cardio and an upper body weight circuit. Again, it was not the best workout. The gym was too cold - I hate working out and "cold sweating", I hated all of my music, and it was all I could do to push through, but I did. I was over it.

I came back to the apartment, showered, and got decent. I put on my new outfit that we bought Thursday. I am no fashionita and I openly admit it. My style is faded torn jeans and a tank top. 
Once I was ready, I went to go run a few errands and pick mom up her favorite Chinese dinner. A "Big Bang Theory" marathon was on and she had her favorite dinner brought to her; she may be sick, but that can help anyone, right? I made myself my favorite green smoothie to detox a little: fresh orange juice, kale, spinach, chia and flax seeds, pineapple, mango, and a green apple.

Then I went and met my girlfriend Alexis and her husband Daniel at the movies to see "Lucy". I have been waiting a while for this movie to come out and it was freaking awesome. I don't know how else to explain it. It was brilliant. It makes you think a lot about how we got here and the power of the human mind.... and how little we know about everything. If you have the chance, go see it! Oh and I scored a free drink. I love my Regal card. 

Yesterday I decided to go hiking again. It was a non-lifting day at the gym and I love to workout outside when I have the chance. Back to the mountains I went. It started off as a hard hike. I have been out of it these past couple of days, I admit it. I was bloated, tired, and the weather was so humid and sticky, I couldn't breathe -- we had a big storm earlier in the morning. I debated on turning around many times. The thought of climbing to the top made me cringe. I did not turn around though. I made it to the top and it felt amazing. When I was coming down, I felt energized so I jogged most of the way. Not down the big part of the mountain because I would have killed my knees and fell on my face, but the parts that it was a little more even. I was soaked when I finished and felt really accomplished. 

I went home to clean up after and get ready for church. It was the start of "Love Week" and there was a lot of volunteer things going on it. It was also week two of the #DeathToSelfie series. And I have to say, it was one of Steven's most moving services yet. He never ceases to amaze me.

Once church was over, I picked up my mom and she and I went to this really cool restaurant called "Char Bar No. 7". I have driven past it a lot over the years but had never actually dined there. The atmosphere was awesome with live music, an outdoor lounge, and though it was typical "bar food", the menu had a good variety and it was delicious! I had a really good strawberry and mint cocktail. They are just more fun out of a mason jar.

After dinner, we went back to my apartment so I could rest and get ready for the work week. I am thankful it is only 3 days for me. I am ready for a 5 day break! 

Let's Chat: All About The Week

Happy almost Friday! I am so happy it's Thursday evening, my body is aching. This week was absolutely exhausting.  It was all about 12 and 14 hour work days: meetings upon meetings, lunches, visitors, client dinners, and assisting my President (which is part of my normal duties, it was just escalated this week). It was a ton of work because I organized the agendas, meetings, and meals, then attended it all as well. I rocked high heels all week, too! My feet are killing me. I have to say though, now that it's over, I feel accomplished and proud. I truly love our weeks that are a bit chaotic like that.

Monday morning, I went to purchase drinks and refreshments for the week. Of course with my luck, the flood gates of heaven opened, and I was out in it all day. Wednesday evening I had a strategic planning dinner meeting. I was able to pick the place. We went to a restaurant called "131 Main". I had never tried it, but really wanted too. Simply put, it was great. I am still salivating over my meal! I had a delicious pear martini and the best, juiciest, and most tender steak. The mashed baby reds were phenomenal too. If you are ever in Charlotte, you must try it.
Last week I lost 2 pounds! That brought my total to a 62 pound loss since November 25th. However, I am sure after this week, I gained the 2 pounds back, ha. I was a little off schedule with working long hours, missing the gym some, and eating off of my plan. That's life though and it will happen. I just have to be flexible, find a balance, and always get back on track -- which I do. Tuesday night was one of the evenings I did not have to go to a dinner meeting so I went to the gym per usual. For some reason, I had the BEST work out I have had in a LONG time. I did 30 minutes on the StairMill alternating between 65 SPM and 90 SPM-- I even threw in a couple of sprint intervals at 160 SPM. I did my usual upper body weight circuit, backsquats, then I did a mile and a half of sprint intervals in our indoor track. 

The sprint intervals were the icing on the cake. I ran track in high school. My short, muscular legs were of good use for speed running. I was a fast runner. I never sprint anymore though. When I was heavier, it hurt too much, so I just left it alone. I forgot how high sprinting makes me feel. I literally pushed through my sprints like I was running for my life... and it was incredible. I knew I would not be able to workout Wednesday, so I made sure I pushed myself with a vengeance. Wednesday I was sore. Today I am deathly sore! Talk about hurt so good. The craziest part is that my lower abs were the sorest of all. Running really uses your core so I was happy to be that sore. My core is weak. My legs were also screaming. I couldn't train I was so sore. Delayed onset muscle soreness was in full effect. I will absolutely be incorporating sprints in my weekly training routine now. Lesson learned!

My birthday is Wednesday! I will officially be the big 2-5, which in my opinion, is a pretty big milestone! I will be a quarter of a century old. I will not longer be in my early 20's. I will be 5 years away from 30. Holy crap, where does the time go? I swear yesterday I was boarding a plane for California for my 21st birthday. Since my birthday is Wednesday, my mom came down today and is staying until Sunday. We got the celebrations started early! We went to Kohls and I got a super cute pair outfit: a pair of faded jeans with holes and a fun black tank. After, we went to one of mama's favorite restaurants in Charlotte, "City Tavern". I sipped on a delicious Cosmo, she had her usual Sangria, and as we were leaving, my waiter gave us a piece of chocolate cake for my birthday! We were stuffed so it is in the fridge now. 
Every once in a while, I like to promote my good blog friends, sponsors, and/or anyone else that sticks out to me. I happen to have a few amazing sponsors this month who definitely deserve to be recognized. Please head over to their blog, say hello, and make a new friend. Also, on Wednesday I updated my advertising page, so if you have a blog and/or business and you would like to work together, let's talk!

Maegen. My good friend and former co-worker at Urban Active Fitness. She is a beauty queen (in my eyes and in a lot of pageants eyes as well, ha!) but she is so, so, much more than that. I was really happy a few months ago when she told me she started a blog for one of her classes. Luckily, she still writes even though the class has ended. Maegen writes about a lot of social issues that we as women have to endure in today's world. The standard definition of beauty, unrealistic expectations, and pressures of today's media. We are so much more than our outer appearance, and Maegen's mission to make sure every woman knows that. I am all about empowering women -- I am a total girl's girl, so I want to support and help her every way I can. 

Another inspiring blogger is Jessica. Her blog is named Healthy is Happy. How true is that, by the way? Healthy is happy. Healthy is beautiful. She is really fun to follow because with her, you get a little of everything. She is hardworking, dedicated, and passionate. She is also fun and easygoing. You get inspiring fitness ideas and her journey, along with glimpses into other parts of her life. Not to mention all kinds of business and blog information -- which is personally my favorite. You have to check her out; there is a TON to see and learn from her and her blog.

My girl, Trace. This girl is either going to inspire the hell out of you or make you really jealous. She is plugging away at her fitness and weight loss journey, and every time I see a new picture on Instagram or a new blog post, I am amazed. She really is giving this her all, made it a lifestyle, and has stayed immensely dedicated. Heck, I feel like I am going through her journey with her now. She has stayed that consistent and it has been awesome seeing her transform. She is a great friend of mine with positive energy that is contagious, and watching her succeed and lose weight keeps me motivated as well. She is definitely someone you want to get to know. 

Join the fun Friday linkup's here!

My Fun Girl's Weekend Recap!

It has been a really fun, nonstop weekend! I have talked about how busy work has been and the long hours I have been working, and the weekend was just the same, ha! There is no rest for the wicked... except for this upcoming one! I can't wait. 

My mom and sister-in-law arrived at my apartment around 3:30 PM on Friday. I was still working and then hit the gym for leg day! Friday's are my hard leg workouts so I couldn't miss it. I pushed hard and it felt great. 

After the gym I met my crazy girls at home so I could get ready. We then went to one of my favorite restaurants "Cantina 1511". Mama and Amber love Mexican food, so I wanted to show them my favorite spot that is authentic and fresh. We enjoyed our dinner and cocktails on the patio while a man sang and played the acoustic guitar. You can't beat that! I ordered my strawberry and mint Mojito, mom had Sangria, and Amber had a passion fruit Margarita. Mom of course had to get a shot of Fireball whiskey. I have created a monster, y'all. Homegirl loves her whiskey now. After dinner, we went to see "22 Jumpstreet". That movie was absolutely hilarious. I have not laughed that hard in a long time. It is a must see!

Saturday morning we slept in then spent the day shopping. Mama and Amber wanted to get some sexy new clothes for an evening out. With Mama being single and ready to mingle, we have to keep her looking good. We went a ton of places and had a lot of fun. I scored a cute new pair of heels, a strapless dress, and S'MORES FLAVORED protein powder! Yum! 

When we got back to the apartment after shopping, Amber and I were going to lay out by the pool for a while. However, it started to storm (of course). So she and my mom made a pizza and I took off to the gym! I did 45 minutes of cardio -- 25 on the StairMill and 20 on the Elliptical. I was so proud that I went - especially since it was a rest day. I did not want to be around pizza!  

We then took showers and got glam for another evening out. I wore my new sexy Corset top from Venus and I was ready to be a man-eater, ha! Kidding. I got cute pictures of mom and Amber, but they were not reciprocating. The pictures they took were hilarious. We could not get it right. 

Once we were ready, we went and ate Asian for dinner then took off to a local bar, "Bradshaw's Social House" for drinks and to mingle. I sipped on the best drink. I LOVED IT! It was Skinny girl cucumber vodka, club soda water, and fresh cucumbers. That may sound weird to some, but it was so light and refreshing. If and when I drink this summer, that will be my go-to drink. I HATE drinks that are made with syrup that is loaded with sugar, so this is a great alternative without a ton of calories and sugar. My mantra is all about balance. I say go out and enjoy yourself, but keep it as healthy and you can. Those little victories completely add up.

This morning mama and Amber left around 11. As soon as they walked out of the door, I got right to work. It was such  a productive day! I did 3 loads of laundry - including all of my sheets and bedding. I then went to Target and Earthfare for this weeks groceries. 

When I arrived back home, before I got to cleaning and food prep I tried out a new recipe. Last night, my best friend Anna asked me to try and create a cleaner version of "Cake Batter Pancakes". I loved the idea so last night at 2 AM when I was in bed, I was putting a list together of ingredients, comparing calories, and just being the little food scientist I am sometimes, ha! I think I developed it so I went and got the ingredients  today while doing my regular shopping. Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a winner! I will be sharing the recipe Thursday.

Once my trial of cake batter pancakes were finished, I got knee deep into cleaning and food prep. Unfortunately I will have to go out and buy more chicken tomorrow, I did not realize how little I had left (oops!). I then got in a 40 minute plyometric full body workout -- my hot mess express!

Now I am off to soak in a bubble bath then cuddle on the couch to watch the rest of the last season of "True Blood" and then the new season starts 9! I am SO freaking excited but also really, really sad. True Blood is my absolute favorite show of all time. I have read and own all of the Sookie Stackhouse books AND all seasons of "True Blood". That show is literally my favorite of all time. I feel such a connection to Sookie and people tell me all of the time I look like her - I even have the gap in my teeth like she does. It breaks my heart to see this ending. Oh well, at least I will always have the books to read and seasons to watch.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week. I am ready to kick it in high gear, burn some fat, and work over this plateau. I was able to play a lot and let loose this weekend so now it's time be focused!

Try Quest Protein Bars!