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mama etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

[03.12.2014] MAMA Basın Toplantısı & Mini Hayran Buluşması & Kırmızı Halı & Ödül Töreni

MAMA 2014photo cr; pressÜyelerimiz ilk önce MAMA 2014 Basın Toplantısına katıldı. Basın toplantısında liderimiz Rap Monster sorulara İngilizce cevap verdi.Soru: MAMA'ya katılmak ile ilgili düşünceleriniz neler?RM: Bu Hong Kong'a ilk gelişimiz. Hong Kong'da birçok kişinin K-Pop'ı çok sevdiğini K-Pop...

Fall means: Family, Fireball, and Fun!

Friday, work could not end soon enough! I was off a little early, picked up a treat for my mom, and went to my new main gym for cardio, squats, and weights. The good thing about being back at Fitness Connection is the lateral cardio machine; I love that thing! I had to break it in with 30 fast minutes.When...

Pre-Birthday Weekend Fun with Mom

Mom and I had a lot of fun planned for the weekend. Unfortunately, her Multiple Sclerosis had other plans. I really, really want to complain and tell you how this disease ruins everything, all of the time, for fun things I want to do with my mom. It has been this way 9 years now. Not to mention seeing...

Let's Chat: All About The Week

Happy almost Friday! I am so happy it's Thursday evening, my body is aching. This week was absolutely exhausting.  It was all about 12 and 14 hour work days: meetings upon meetings, lunches, visitors, client dinners, and assisting my President (which is part of my normal duties, it was just escalated...

My Fun Girl's Weekend Recap!

It has been a really fun, nonstop weekend! I have talked about how busy work has been and the long hours I have been working, and the weekend was just the same, ha! There is no rest for the wicked... except for this upcoming one! I can't wait. My mom and sister-in-law arrived at my apartment around...