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Benefits of Fiber - IDEA newsletter

What are the benefits of fiber?  Besides keeping you “regular,” why should you make sure you’re eating enough fiber?
  1. Fiber has a protective effect against cardiovascular disease in the overall population (IOM 2002; ADA 2008).
  2. Dietary and supplemental fiber (intakes of 20–27 grams per day [g/dy] from whole foods or up to 20 g/dy from supplements) may help with weight control (ADA 2008).
  3. There’s a clear association between a fiber-rich diet and a lower body mass index (BMI) (IFIC 2008).
  4. Many observational studies have found an association between high-fiber food consumption and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes (IFIC 2008; ADA 2008).
  5. Fiber-rich foods tend to be concentrated sources of cancer-fighting antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

How Much Fiber?
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends 14 g of fiber per 1,000 kilocalories (kcal) as an Adequate Intake (AI) for adults. This amount was derived from data on the relationship between fiber consumption and coronary heart disease risk. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends 25 g/day for women and 38 g/day for men (USDA 2010). See sources of fiber in chart.

If you need to increase fiber intake to meet the AI, do so on a rest day or after workouts. You should also increase fiber gradually, and make sure you drink a lot of fluids. Pay careful attention to overall fluid intake in order to prevent dehydration and/or constipation. Supplemental fiber should be avoided during activity and is not recommended during strenuous activity.

High-Quality, High-Fiber Choices
Adding fiber to the diet can be as easy as choosing nutrient-rich foods—such as legumes, whole grains and fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables—while avoiding nutrient-poor choices, such as soft drinks and processed foods.  Berries are high in fiber also!



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